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Welcome to Room 202! Curriculum Night September 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 202! Curriculum Night September 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 202! Curriculum Night September 29, 2015

2 Daily Schedule First bell @ 8:35, Final bell @ 8:40 Math Workshop First recess – 9:55 Writer’s Workshop Second recess: 11:20 – 11:55 followed by Lunch at 12:00 – 12:30 Reader’s Workshop Specialist: 1:40 – 2:10 Tuesday and Wednesday: PE Friday: Library Monday and Thursday: Band/Orchestra/Gen. Music: 1:55 – 2:40 Social Studies/Science/Art/Health Dismissal at 3:05

3 Classroom Management The Learning Targets we set up emphasize a kind, calm, and responsible community. We have been working on making our room a comfortable place to learn, grow, and take risks Self-management/independent worker Class points (200 for a party) Snack Birthdays

4 Reader’s Workshop We work on specific comprehension skills alongside genre studies and fluency practice. We start most days with a mini-lesson and then the students are released to work on various stations while I meet with leveled small groups at this time (Book Club). Comprehension Skills Covered: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea & Supporting Details Visualizing/Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions Fix-up Monitoring/Summarizing Determine Text Importance/Compare and Contrast Make Connections/Cause and Effect Fact vs. Opinion/Making Judgments

5 Writer’s Workshop Personal Narrative Informational Memoir Opinion Imaginative Fiction Poetry

6 Math Math Expressions Units Multiplication and Division Word Problems Addition and Subtraction of Decimals/Fractions Multiplication and Division of Decimals/Fractions Angles and Shapes Perimeter and Area Triangles, parallelograms, complex shapes Volume, Capacity, and Weight Algebra, functions, and graphs

7 Science, Social Studies, and Health Sun, Moon, and Stars Motion and Design Variables 13 Colonies American Revolution Civics/Government 50 States F.L.A.S.H and K.N.O.W

8 Homework Homework packet sent home on Monday Math sheets go home nightly, due the next school day after it is assigned. I don’t usually assign Math homework on Fridays (we’ll do it in class if time). This year, only the “Homework” side is required. Your child can do the Remembering side if he/she would like, but most lessons we’ll do it in class or as a station choice. Independent reading – at least 20 min. each weeknight (100 min. a week) either independently, with/to a family member, or a combo of both. Record on Reading Log. Monday goal setting and Friday Reflection Unfinished work You can get another copy of homework on the website under “Documents”

9 Websites Moby Max (Math) Xtra Math (fact fluency) Spelling City Ten Marks RAZ Kids Google Accounts

10 Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra - ECA Cedar Springs Outdoor Camp Law Day??? Field Trips

11 Report Cards/Conferences Report cards go home a week after the end of first semester (Jan. 29) and at the end of the school year (June). Conferences will be held at the end of October. Availability form?

12 Volunteers I’ve received forms and will be in touch this week or next Camp Field Trips SBA

13 Questions??? Thank you so much for coming!!!

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