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WELCOME Mrs. Warren’s Fifth Grade Class It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Mrs. Warren’s Fifth Grade Class It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Mrs. Warren’s Fifth Grade Class It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle


3 5 TH GRADE  Based on the Common Core State Standards  Higher expectations  Faster Pace  Taking responsibility for their own learning  Reading Fluency is a must (read out loud a lot!)  Rigorous assessments

4 HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS  Planner (completed and signed daily)  Math  Reading Log and Response  Spelling  2 nd Step Missing Homework: Stay in and finish at recess MORE than 4 missing – note home to parents

5 BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS 1. Student managed 2. Teacher managed 3. Communication Report 4. Parent Involved  Most classroom issue are with disrespect or non-compliance  Empathy

6 MY CLASSROOM GOALS  1. Have clean, organized student desks.  2. Have all student work turned-in, in a timely manner.  3. Create a better classroom community.  4. Vocabulary – Context, root, affixes

7 TECHNOLOGY  Students explore lots of different ways to use technology in their academic lives.  Examples: Office 365, Biblionasium  Headphones are needed! Please send in a pair in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name.

8 ASSESSMENTS STATE TESTING  SBA – English Language Arts, Math, and Science (May/June 2017) DISTRICT AND CLASSROOM  Unit Tests – Math, Reading, Writing  Individualized Reading Tests  Writing – Grammar, spelling, and essays  i-Ready Diagnostic Tests

9 MATH EXPRESSIONS UNITS  Algebra, Creating Expressions from Word Problems  Volume, Capacity, and Weight  Addition and Subtraction with Fractions  Addition and Subtraction with Decimals  Multiplication and Division with Decimals  Quadrilaterals  Circles, Polygons, and Angles  Algebra, Functions and Graphs

10 MATH  Pre/Post Assessments – Students will show growth within each unit  Tests will come home along with Rubric  Students will set goals to improve on the next unit

11 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS  Expeditionary Learning  3 Modules  Becoming a Close Reader and Writing to Learn: Stories of Human Rights  Researching to Build knowledge and Teaching Others: Biodiversity in Rainforests of the Wester Hemisphere  Gathering Evidence and Speaking to Others: Natural Disasters in the Western Hemisphere

12 SOCIAL STUDIES From Colonies to Country – Pre- Revolutionary War to Creating a Nation We the People – History of the US Government with a focus on the constitution

13 SCIENCE AND HEALTH SCIENCE- FOSS KITS  Variables  Landforms  Levers and Pulleys  Inquiry based Scenarios HEALTH  Aids/HIV Prevention  Puberty

14 DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP  Privacy Rules  Website privacy policies  Group Think  Taking Action instead of standing by 

15 BEHAVIOR CURRICULUM 2 nd Steps - helps students solve problems on their own - bullying prevention and how to deal with bullying PBIS - 4 B’s - Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

16 KEYBOARDING – LEARNING.COM  Students will spend the first 4-6 weeks, 3x per week practicing finger placement and accuracy  The rest of the year will be spent honing skills in an authentic manner  Typing essays  Learning word processing basics  Creating projects and reports

17 STANDARDS-BASED GRADING SYSTEM  Student learning assessed using grade level targets (4, 3, 2, 1)  Grade based on performance evidence  Testing, quizzes, and daily work  Percentage is NOT used to determine grade  Homework reflected in behavior grades  Behavior and effort graded separately

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