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EPSRC Funder Update Dr Matt Cross – Research and Enterprise July 17 th 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "EPSRC Funder Update Dr Matt Cross – Research and Enterprise July 17 th 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPSRC Funder Update Dr Matt Cross – Research and Enterprise July 17 th 2011

2 Overview EPSRC strategic actions on Research Areas (Grow, Maintain, Reduce) National Importance Discussion/Q&A

3 Areas to Reduce Biological informatics CMOS device technology Cold atoms and molecules Conventional generation and combustion Engineering approaches to manufacturing operations Hydrogen and alternative energy vectors Materials engineering – ceramics Mathematical physics Mobile computing Speech technology Surface science Sustainable land management Synthetic organic chemistry Transportation operations and management

4 Areas to Maintain I Algebra Analytical science Antihydrogen Architectures and operating systems Artificial intelligence technologies Assistive technology, rehabilitation and musculoskeletal biomechanics Bioenergy Biomaterials and tissue engineering Biophysics and soft matter physics Built environment Carbon capture and storage Chemical biology and biological chemistry Chemical reaction dynamics and mechanisms Chemical structure Clinical technologies (excluding imaging) Coastal and waterway engineering Complex fluids and rheology Complexity science Computational and theoretical chemistry Condensed matter: electronic structure Condensed matter: magnetism and magnetic materials Continuum mechanics Control engineering Databases Displays Electrochemical sciences Energy networks Engineering design Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics Fuel cell technology Functional ceramics and inorganics Geometry and topology Graphene and carbon nanotechnology

5 Graphics and visualisation Ground engineering Human communication in ICT Human-computer interaction ICT networks and distributed systems Image and vision computing Information systems Light matter interaction and optical phenomena Logic and combinatorics Manufacturing technologies Marine wave and tidal Materials engineering – composites Materials engineering - metals and alloys Materials for energy applications Mathematical analysis Mathematical aspects of operational research Maths of computing Medical imaging (including medical image and vision computing) Microelectronics design Music and acoustic technology Natural language processing Non CMOS device technology Non-linear systems Nuclear fission Number theory Numerical analysis Optical communications Optical devices and subsystems Optoelectronic devices and circuits Particle technology Performance and inspection of mechanical structures and systems Areas to Maintain II

6 Plasma and lasers Plasmonics Polymer materials Process systems: components and integration Quantum fluids and solids Resource efficiency Robotics Sensors and instrumentation Solar technology Spintronics Structural engineering Superconductivity Synthetic coordination chemistry Synthetic supramolecular chemistry Theory of computation UK Magnetic Fusion Research Programme Vision, hearing and other senses Wind power Areas to Maintain III Note: Budget restrictions will result in apparent cuts as opposed to strategic withdrawal. EPSRC ‘feast and famine’

7 Catalysis Digital signal processing Concerns the theory and design of digital signals (i.e. audio, video, image, communication, sonar, radar and medical) for ICT applications. Electrical motors and drives / electromagnetics Energy efficiency (end use energy demand) This embraces energy efficiency measures, reduction in demand for energy, and reduction in demand for energy services / mobility - all of which will contribute to reducing carbon emissions from energy use. Energy storage This topic includes electrical and heat storage as well as other forms such as kinetic energy storage. Areas to Grow

8 Microsystems Photonic materials and metamaterials Programming languages and compilers Research in this area relates to the development of programming languages, the processing of these through compilers and the generation of code. Quantum optics and information RF and microwave communications In the context of communications, this also includes techniques and applications that utilise and propagate communication frequencies (i.e. UWB) and related research around wireless and satellite technology. RF and microwave devices This research topic covers the design and development of novel RF and microwave device architectures. Software engineering The design, implementation and maintenance of software. Research in this area aims to develop reliable, efficient and maintainable software. Areas to Grow II

9 Areas to Grow III Statistics and applied probability This covers research in statistical methodology and applied probability and is generally defined as the development of mathematical models for investigating phenomena "involving some form of randomness or noise". Synthetic biology Verification and correctness This research area aims to prove the validity of a system or the correctness of theory. Water engineering Design and optimisation of technologies relating to water resource management, Treatment and distribution systems, including assessment and control of water quality. Whole energy systems This area concerns the sociotechnoeconomic analysis of the whole UK Energy System from supply of fuels for generation of energy through to end use of energy.

10 From 15 November 2011, EPSRC introduced National Importance as an additional assessment criterion. National Importance is the extent, over the long term, for example 10-50 years, to which the research proposed; National Importance contributes to, or helps maintain the health of other research disciplines contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to current or future UK economic success and/or enables future development of key emerging industry(s) meets national strategic needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world leading research activity (including areas of niche capability) fits with and complements other UK research already funded in the area or related areas, including the relationship to the EPSRC portfolio and our stated strategy set out in “Our Portfolio” As part of National Importance, EPSRC are asking applicants to demonstrate the importance of their particular research project to the UK within a particular research area i.e. how the research fits with and complements other research in the area.

11 Discussion/Q&A Changes within RED How support is changing How you would like support to evolve Emphasis on FP7 and Horizons 2020 Thoughts on next session? Questions

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