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10 Project analysis McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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1 10 Project analysis McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 10-1 the capital investment process
Capital Budget List of investment projects under consideration by a firm Do not add fudge factors to cost of capital Postaudit Review of project to see if met forecasts

3 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Types of Analysis Sensitivity Analyzes effects of changes in sales, costs, etc., on project Scenario Project analysis given particular combination of assumptions Simulation Estimates probabilities of different outcomes Break Even Level of sales (or other variable) at which project breaks even

4 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example Given expected cash-flow forecasts for Otobai Company’s Motor Scooter project, determine the NPV of project given changes in cash- flow components using 10% cost of capital. Assume constant variables, except the one you are changing.

5 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example, continued

6 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example, continued

7 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example, continued NPV calculations—Optimistic scenario

8 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example, continued

9 Table 10.3 NPV of electric scooter

10 Table 10.3 electric scooter assumptions

11 Table 10.4 electric scooter scenarios

12 Table 10.5 electric scooter accounting profit

13 Table 10.1 electric scooter cash-flow forecasts

14 Figure 10.1 break-even chart
Point at which NPV=0 is break-even point Otobai Motors has a break-even point of 85,000 units sold Sales, thousands PV (Yen) Billions 400 200 19.6 Break-even NPV = 0 PV inflows PV Outflows

15 Figure 10.2 accounting break-even
Accounting break-even does not consider time value of money Otobai Motors has accounting break-even point of 60,000 units sold Sales, thousands Accounting revenue and costs (Yen) Billions 60 40 20 Break -even Profit =0 Revenues Costs

16 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Operating Leverage Degree to which costs are fixed Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) Percentage change in profits given 1% change in sales

17 10-2 sensitivity analysis
Example Using the data from the Otobai scooter project, calculate the DOL

18 10-3 monte carlo simulation
Modeling Process Step 1: Model Project Step 2: Specify Probabilities Step 3: Simulate Cash Flows Step 4: Calculate Present Value

19 Figure 10.3 simulation of cash flows

20 10-4 real options and decision trees
Diagram of sequential decisions and possible outcomes Help companies analyze options by showing various choices and outcomes Option to avoid a loss or produce extra profit has value Ability to create option has value that can be bought or sold

21 Figure 10.4 fedex’s expansion option

22 Figure 10.4 fedex’s expansion option
Real Options Option to expand Option to abandon Timing option Flexible production facilities

23 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56

24 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56

25 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56

26 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56 NPV = $295

27 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56 NPV = $295 NPV = $52 NPV = - $69 (do not invest, so NPV = 0)

28 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= ? - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56 NPV = $295 NPV = $52 NPV = - $69 (do not invest, so NPV = 0) NPV = $83

29 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= $19 - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56 NPV = $295 NPV = $52 NPV = - $69 (do not invest, so NPV = 0) NPV = $83

30 Figure 10.6 Decision tree $700 (.80) $ 0 (.20) $ 300 (.80) $ 100 (.80)
560 240 80 Invest Yes / No NPV= $19 - $18 - $130 .25 .50 $ 0 .44 .56 NPV = $295 NPV = $52 NPV = - $69 (do not invest, so NPV = 0) NPV = $83

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