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Blaine Trap Club. 50 students participating on the Blaine Clay Target Team this Fall: 39 trap, 11 skeet.

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Presentation on theme: "Blaine Trap Club. 50 students participating on the Blaine Clay Target Team this Fall: 39 trap, 11 skeet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blaine Trap Club

2 50 students participating on the Blaine Clay Target Team this Fall: 39 trap, 11 skeet

3 We have the range from 4-6 pm: You need to be ready to shoot at your time slot!! Arrive early and be ready

4 Safety Is Main Focus: Three Basic Rules: 1. Treat guns like there loaded. 2. Control your muzzle 3. Know your target and beyond. Know all 10 commandments.

5 Safety Is Main Focus: 1.Guns Racked until ready to shoot.

6 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction/. UPWARDS AND DOWN RANGE!!

7 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction 3. Action Open until ready to shoot

8 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction 3. Action Open until ready to shoot 4. Finger outside trigger guard.

9 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction 3. Action Open until ready to shoot 4. Finger outside trigger guard. 5. Only 1 shell in chamber for trap. (2 for skeet)

10 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction 3. Action Open until ready to shoot 4. Finger outside trigger guard. 5. Only 1 shell load at a time 6. Don’t rest gun on shoe.

11 Safety Is Main Focus: 1. Guns Racked until ready to shoot 2. Always point Muzzle in safe direction 3. Action Open until ready to shoot 4. Finger outside trigger guard. 5. Only 1 shell load at a time 6. Don’t rest gun on shoe. 7. Eye and ear protection.

12 Penalties For Violating Previous Rules: 1 st violation: Student will be sent home. 2 nd violation: Student will be removed from the team with no refund and will not be able to appeal a return. Need to be safe at all times!!!

13 Appropriate Attire: – 1. TOPS: Items of clothing that expose any part of the torso are prohibited. These include cutoff T- shirts, halter tops, tank tops etc. – Wear Team Shirt during competition. – Violation may be grounds for disqualification.

14 Appropriate Attire: – 2. BOTTOMS: “Short shorts” and low riding shorts or pants revealing undergarments are prohibited. – Violation may be grounds for disqualification.

15 Appropriate Attire: – 3. FOOTWEAR: flip-flops or open shoes/sandals are prohibited. – Violation may be grounds for disqualification.

16 SKEET & TRAP Mondays Thursdays

17 Skeet Fundamentals Coach Scott will provide individual instructions -8 Stations, High and Low house -25 shots, 2 or 4 from each stations. Total 25 target / person - One shooter at time: -Stations 1,2,6,7: Singles: High, Low. Than a Double! -Stations 3,4,5,8. Singles (High, low) -Repeat first miss, or shoot low house at station 8 for a Total 25 Targets.

18 Trap Fundamentals - 16 Yard from trap house -5 Shot at each Stations. Total 25 target / person -Targets leave house 23 o from center -Target traveling at 42 mph Squad Leader!! (starts at station 1) Commands must be followed (Takes 10 seconds, but must be done)

19 Commands Squad Ready?

20 Commands READY!

21 Commands Puller Ready?

22 Commands Ready!

23 Commands Let’s see a bird!

24 Commands PULL!

25 Commands Hit! (Marked with an ‘X’ on score sheet)

26 Commands Loss! (Marked with an ‘O’ on score sheet)

27 Commands No Target! (Either a no target is released or target is broken when leaving the trap house)

28 Commands Change! (After station is complete.) Station 5 rotates RIGHT!

29 Commands OUT! ( Entire round is over) Open action, put gun on rack, check score.

30 Full Name 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 25 BIRD TOTAL 1 Mike Schmits ooooo/oooo/ooo//oo////ooo 8 2 Carly Palmer oooo/ooo/oooo/oooo//o//oo 7 3 Jordan Buron ////o/oo/////oo///oo/o/// 17 4 Sue Loat ooo//oo/o/o/o/o/o/ooo/o/o 10 5Bob Dylan //////////////////////// o24 1 Laura Johnson /o/oo/o/ 2 Tim Riordan //////// 3 Julie Remer oo//oo// 4 Nick Obama o/o/o/o 5 Ricky Rubio //o/o// Blaine Outdoor Adventures OFFICIAL TRAPSHOOTING SCORE PAD COMPETITION ROUND



33 How to properly shoot!! Check out You tube:



36 STANCE LIKE A BOXER! Feet shoulder width apart. Left foot points at target. Elbows up. (locks gun to check) Head straight & up. Both eyes open. (point, not aim) Lean forward. “Push” barrel to target ”

37 FOLLOW THROUGH KEEP CHEEK ON THE STOCK AFTER YOU SHOOT!! #1 Mistake. Pulling face off of stock!!! Score keeper will watch the bird for you!!!

38 Leading Gun Barrel: 1” wide = 1ft. at 36 yards


40 Skeet on Monday Trap on Thursday Practice/Reserve round: – September 21, 24 Competition Rounds: (5 weeks) SunMonTueWedThuFriSat September 1 8 1 st day of school 3 9 Parent Meeting Registration Forms Due in Office mailbox 1011 Online Registrations Due 12 131415 16 Safety Meeting @ Metro G.C. 6 pm 17 1819 20 21 Skeet Practice/ Reserve 22 23 24 Trap Practice/ Reserve 2526 27 28 Skeet 1 29 30 1 Trap 1 23 4 5 Skeet 2 6 7 (October ) 8 Trap 2 910 11 12 Skeet 3 13 14 15 Trap 3 MEA 16 MES 17 18 19 Skeet 4 20 21 22 Trap 4 2324 25 26 Skeet 5 27 28 29 Trap 5 30 l 31

41 Pick up your Metro Card tonight For Clay targets for 6 weeks. You will receive a card good for 12 rounds of birds. If you lose it, you will need to purchase a new card. Bring it with you every time you shoot. You can purchase more rounds ? (Practice rounds)

42 Tonight Pick up Team Gear Pick up Card Sign up for shooting time (4:00, 4:30, 5:00) Check out trap houses. Tour Club

43 Come Early, Stay Late. PRACTICE ON THE WALL CHART

44 Come Early, Stay Late. Make an effort to meet other shooters.

45 Check out the Clay Target Webpage

46 Apparel Order due Oct. 1st

47 Adult Volunteers needed: Supervisors: - Monitor students who are not shooting. Coaches: - Assists students on the range emphasizing proper gun safety and providing tips on how to improve their performance. Range Safety Official: - Monitor the safe handling of firearms on and off the range. All coaches and volunteers are required to meet the necessary background check by Anoka Hennepin School District

48 Booster Club Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 23 rd.

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