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Garden tools used for lifting dirt and soil a) blooming bloomingb) shovels shovelsc) scent scentd) muscles muscles.

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3 Garden tools used for lifting dirt and soil a) blooming bloomingb) shovels shovelsc) scent scentd) muscles muscles

4 You are correct!

5 Ooh No!!! Please Try Again Please Try Again Please Try Again Please Try Again Please Try Again

6 Having flowers. a) scentscentb) toughtoughc) blooming bloomingd) plain plain

7 You are correct!

8 Moved the head up and down a) a) wrinkledwrinkledb) muscles musclesc) scentscentd) noddednodded

9 You are correct!

10 Folded up in a messy way; crumpled a) toughtoughb) shovelsshovelsc) scentscentd) wrinkledwrinkled

11 You are correct!

12 Simple, not fancy a) plainplainb) toughtoughc) bloomingbloomingd) shovelsshovels

13 You are correct!

14 Parts of the body used to help you move and do things a) muscles musclesb) plainplainc) blooming bloomingd) toughtough

15 You are correct!

16 Hard, thick on the outside a) toughtoughb) musclesmusclesc) scentscentd) bloomingblooming

17 You are correct!

18 A smell a) musclesmusclesb) wrinkledwrinkledc) scentscentd) plainplain

19 You are correct!


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