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1 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE Committee Members  UMW- Justin Stewart SW- Greg Atwell  NW- Shawn Brady SOC- Jeff Baker  SE- Chris Rogers NE- Rob Rianna,

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Presentation on theme: "1 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE Committee Members  UMW- Justin Stewart SW- Greg Atwell  NW- Shawn Brady SOC- Jeff Baker  SE- Chris Rogers NE- Rob Rianna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE Committee Members  UMW- Justin Stewart SW- Greg Atwell  NW- Shawn Brady SOC- Jeff Baker  SE- Chris Rogers NE- Rob Rianna,  GL- Bob Widder EC- Larue Kohl 2nd VP Purpose of the Committee  The purpose of the AKFCF Education Committee is to research workshops and presentations that contribute to the betterment of the franchise community. Mission Statement  Develop and maintain a library of workshops for National and Regional conventions, Manager Rallys, and DMA meetings.

2 2 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE  Currently developed Workshops  Franchisee:  Marketing:  How to be an effective Local Coop member- Wally Hebert- Video and Power Point Available  Operations:  Cost Segregation- Charles Cyro- Video Available  Franchisee Contracts and Rights- Andy Selden- By Reservation  ARL/RGM:  Marketing:  4 Walls Marketing- Tom Feltenstein- Video and Power Point Available  Guerrilla Marketing-Denny Wagstaff- Video, Power Point and Handouts Available  Restaurant Brand Manager- Larry Light- Video and Handouts Available  Operations:  7 Systems-Jim Beglin/Denny Wagstaff- Video, Power Point and Handouts Available

3 3 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE  Website Update  Live by End of Sept  Fall Workshop Recommendation  CFF/FSC/Chicken Mastery/Color Coded Time Tag - Kathy Gosser/Team -90 Min  Guerrilla Marketing - Denny Wagstaff/LAC reps - 2 Hrs.  2012 Plan- Alignment Finally!!!!  Convention- Leadership Development 2 - Richard Ivey and Team  February- All RGM’s/ARL’s Receive Taking People With You- David Novak’s Book  Spring Meeting- Leadership Development 2 - ARL/RGM rollout - 4 Hrs  Spring Meeting- Equipment Mastery, Service Mastery  Fall - One System ARL Get Together- TBD. Larry Roberts/David Novak  Fall Meetings- Taking People With You- Full Day

4 4 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE  List of potential future workshops:  Franchisee:  Bankruptcy Pamphlet- Andy Selden  Technology- B of H/Projections/SCK/ Oil Management/Auto Breaders/Cleaning  Leadership Development- Pat Dempsey  Creating a Recognition Culture- Bagshaw/Harmans  ARL/Manager: Previously previewed at a Regional Meeting  Senn Delany  Gold of the Desert Kings  ARL Success Routines- Jim Sullivan  Margin Improvement- Manager -Tony Frazier Video  FISH- Pikes Place Attitude  The Secret- Ken Blanchard  The One Minute Manager- Ken Blanchard  Positively Outrageous Service- T. Scott Gross  Micro-branding- T. Scott Gross  Who Moved my Cheese- Spencer Johnson  Attitude Makes all the Difference- Zig Ziglar

5 5 AKFCF EDUCATION COMMITTEE  Contact Info:  Justin Stewart- 208-863-9172 

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