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Chapter 12 Services Key Issue 2. Distribution of Consumer Services  Central place theory  Market-area of a service  Size of market area  Market area.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Services Key Issue 2. Distribution of Consumer Services  Central place theory  Market-area of a service  Size of market area  Market area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Services Key Issue 2

2 Distribution of Consumer Services  Central place theory  Market-area of a service  Size of market area  Market area analysis  Profitability of a location  Optimal location within a market  Hierarchy of services and settlements  Nesting of services and settlements  Rank-size distribution of settlements

3 Central Place Theory  Central Place: a market center for the exchange of goods & services  Centrally located to maximize accessibility  Compete against each other  Creates a regular pattern of settlements

4 Central Place Theory  Central Place Theory: explains how services are distributed & why a regular pattern exists  1930s Walter Christaller, Germany

5 Market Area of a Service  Market Area (Hinterland): area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted  Circle drawn around node of service  Territory inside is its market area

6 Market Area of a Service  People usually choose to get services from nearest location  Circles often overlap or leave gaps  Squares remove gaps, but then distance from center varies  Hexagons are best shape  Geographers use hexagons to indicate market areas

7 Market Areas as Hexagons Fig. 12-5: Hexagons are often used to delineate market areas because they are a compromise between circles, which have edges equidistant from the center but leave gaps, and squares, which don’t leave gaps but whose edges are not equidistant from the center.

8 Size of Market Area  Market areas vary: range & threshold  Range : maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service  Travel short range for everyday services: groceries, laundromats, fastfood  Long distance range for sporting events, concerts

9 Size of Market Area: Range  How far are you willing to travel for fast- food? A nice restaurant?  Average: 3 miles, 5 miles  How far are you willing to travel for a concert?  Retailers define range as max distance (time) that 2/3 to ¾ of customers will travel

10 Size of Market Area: Threshold  Threshold : minimum number of people needed to support the service to make profit  Service provider needs to determine if enough consumers is possible  Movie theatre:  Chiropractor:  Thrift stores:  Amusement Parks:  Nightclubs:  Shopping mall:

11 Market-Area Analysis  Retailers & Service providers use research to determine to find best profitable location

12 Profitability of a Location  Range & Threshold determine most profitable location for business  Convenience Store  People are willing to travel 15 mins  Store must sell min $1000/week  Avg. Customer spends $2/week  How many customers needed?  What else needs to be considered?

13 Market Areas for Stores Fig. 12-1.1: Market areas, ranges, and thresholds for department stores in the Dayton, Ohio metropolitan area. Stores are closer together in areas with higher incomes.

14 Optimal Location Within A Market: Linear Settlement  Where should service be located within the market to maximize profit?  Ocean City, Maryland: Linear  Best location minimizes distance for delivery drivers & customers  Mathematically in middle of population

15 Optimal Location for Linear Market  Ocean City, MD  Is half way down strip best location?  Why/Why not?  Gravity Model : predicts optimal location is directly related to number of people in area & distance people must travel to access it  Greater number of people in area = more potential customers  Farther distance = less customers

16 Optimal Location (for Pizza-Delivery Service) Fig. 12-6: The optimal location for a pizza delivery shop with seven potential customers in a linear settlement (top) and with 99 families in apartment buildings (bottom).

17 Optimal Location within a Market: Non-Linear Settlement  Most settlements are more complex  Gravity Model still applies:  Identify possible site  Identify where potential users live  Measure distance to each potential user  Use data to determine optimal location

18 Hierarchy of Services & Settlements  Services in small settlements are limited because of small population  Larger settlements provide more consumer services

19 Nesting of Services and Settlements  Central Place Theory in MDCs: market areas are series of hexagons  Overlapping hexagons of various sizes  Walter Christaller, Germany  7 sizes of settlements  Smallest: Market hamlet: pop 800, 17sq miles  Largest: Regional Capital city: larger numbers

20 Central Place Theory Fig. 12-7: Market areas are arranged into a regular pattern according to central place theory, with larger settlements fewer in number and further apart.

21 Nesting Market Area  Distances between settlements follow regular pattern  Convenience stores have smaller thresholds, ranges, and market areas than supermarkets  More numerous

22 Market Areas for Convenience Stores Fig. 12-8b: Market area, range, and threshold for UDF convenience stores in Dayton, Ohio.

23 Market Areas for Supermarkets Fig. 12-8a: Market area, range, and threshold for Kroger supermarkets in Dayton, Ohio.

24 Supermarket & Convenience Store Market Areas Fig. 12-8: Market area, range, and threshold for Kroger supermarkets (left) and UDF convenience stores in Dayton, Ohio. Supermarkets have much larger areas and ranges than convenience stores.

25 Rank-Size Distribution of Settlements  Rank Size Rule: the country’s second largest city is one-half the size of the largest  If plotting the data, it is NOT in straight line, it does not follow rank-size rule  Applies to many MDCs, not all

26 Rank-Size Distribution of Cities Fig. 12-9: Cities in the U.S. closely follow the rank-size distribution, as indicated by the almost straight line on this log scale. In Romania, there are few settlements in two size ranges.

27 Primate City Rule  The largest settlement has MORE than 2x the amount of people as second-ranking settlement  Ex: Denmark  Copenhagen: primate city-1 million  Arhus: second largest-200,000  Ex: UK  London: 8 million  Birmingham: 2 million

28 Rank-Size Distribution  Regular hierarchy (U.S.) shows society is sufficiently wealthy to distribute goods throughout country  Some countries try to improve rank-size distribution  Limit migration to large cities  Try to populate rural areas

29 Periodic Markets  Collection of individual vendors who offer goods/services together on certain day(s)  Set up in street/public place in morning, taken down at end of day  Common in LDCs and rural areas of MDCs  full-time retailign not supported  Varies by culture  Ex: 1x in Muslim countries, no market Fridays

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