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INNOLABS W ORK P ACKAGES Grant. No. 2014-1-LV01-KA200-000521.

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Presentation on theme: "INNOLABS W ORK P ACKAGES Grant. No. 2014-1-LV01-KA200-000521."— Presentation transcript:

1 INNOLABS W ORK P ACKAGES Grant. No. 2014-1-LV01-KA200-000521

2 WP1 F EASIBILITY STUDIES Developed for partners in LV, EST and CY = 3 in total (university partners) Objective – to define the issues, objectives and needs of each partner for establishing Innovator model in their organization, background on innovation support structures, networks, initiatives etc problems and gaps in innovation; recommendations how to overcome them; stakeholders mapping

3 A CTIVITIES O1-A1 Definition of feasibility studies  NHL – leading know-how partner  AAU – contributor role  FS  SEI  IFS  VA  EKA  CUT Define the structure, research methods, research sources, interviewee target groups, number of interviews etc. Time frame: 01-10-2014 – 01-11-2014 – to be replanned

4 WP1 F EASIBILITY STUDIES O1-A2 Research for feasibility studies  VA – leading organisation, overlook the activity and do their own data research and interviews  NHL – help with expert input  AAU – help with expert input  IFS – provide input and review function  SEI – provide input and review function  FS – provide input and review function  EKA – do their own data research and interviews  CUT – do their own data research and interviews Carrying out research and data gathering for feasibility studies. Interviews (10-15 for each study), desktop research and statistical information will be searched. Time frame 01-11-2014 – 31-01-2015 – to be replanned

5 WP1 F EASIBILITY STUDIES O1-A3 Feasibility studies: Analysis, synthesis and report  FS – leading organization, putting together the feasibility studies  SEI – putting together the feasibility studies  IFS – putting together the feasibility studies  VA – closely collaborate with the intermediaries  CUT – closely collaborate with the intermediaries  EKA – closely collaborate with the intermediaries  AAU – expert competence where necessary  NHL – expert competence where necessary Drafting and finalizing feasibility studies so that they are usable and publishable. Time frame 02-01-2015 – 28-02-2015 –to be replanned

6 O UTPUTS Feasibility studies in LV, EST, CY (O1) Translation into English

7 WP2 D EVELOPMENT PLANS FOR I NNOVATION LABS Partners from LV, EST, CY (university partners) will start to develop their own bottom-up student innovation labs. - Description of proposed management structure; - Involved stakeholders and partners; - Participation in innovation networks and undertakings; - Roles and responsibilities to be carried out by innovation platform participants; - Future sustainability issues (after the project ends); - How to develop innovative products and services for their local industries and local regions.

8 WP2 D EVELOPMENT PLANS FOR I NNOVATION LABS A CTIVITIES – STAFF TRAINING / STUDY TRIP I O2-A1 Learning innovation from living labs I  NHL – leading organization – prepare training workshop, materials and organize study visits to selected innovation lab places in Leeuwarden, Delft and Rotterdam.  AAU – help with their own expertise  FS 02-01-2015 – 28-02-2015

9 WP2 D EVELOPMENT PLANS FOR I NNOVATION LABS A CTIVITIES – STAFF TRAINING / STUDY TRIP II O2-A2 Learning innovation from living labs II  AAU – leading organization – prepare training workshop, materials and organize study visits to selected innovation lab places in Aalborg (Klimalab, WOFIE etc).  NHL – help with their own expertise  FS 02-02-2015 – 31-03-2015

10 WP2 D EVELOPMENT PLANS FOR I NNOVATION LABS O3-A1 Preparation for Innovation labs development plans  FS – leading organization  VA, EKA, CUT – apply the know-how in practice and set up development plans for innovation labs  NHL and AAU – will help with knowledge and experiences about operation, institutionalization, sustenance and growth development of such innovation labs. Foresee the workshops, internal meetings and drafting of development plans 01-04-2015 – 31-05-2015

11 WP2 D EVELOPMENT PLANS FOR I NNOVATION LABS O3-A2 Innovation labs development plans FS – leading organization, takes control of the progress and approval of development plan University partners LV, EST, CY – development plans ready for approval by university management Final review and approval of development plans 01-06-2015 – 30-06-2015


13 WP3 I NNOVATION LABS CO - CREATION PROJECTS WP3 - O UTPUTS O4 – Student teams will produce fully developed product or service concepts, resulting in prototypes and/or service visualisations/descriptions, social projects, examples for community initiatives or others. Different medias for presenting (according to the student works outcomes) At least 20-25 project, 4-5 projects per university (VA, EKA, CUT, AAU, NHL)

14 WP3 I NNOVATION LABS CO - CREATION PROJECTS O4-A1 Preparation of INNOLABS co-creation projects  NHL – leading organization, available for help via electronic communications and will take a part in stakeholder workshops, overlook this activity for all partners  AAU – available for help via electronic communications and will take a part in stakeholder workshops  VA, EKA, CUT – organize local workshops, meetings with stakeholders, carry out needs analysis and foster studen idea generation pocess and integrate the innovation labs processes into education process  FS, SEI, IFS –follow this process and provide feedback and support for this action. Concrete implementation plans for each co- creation project for chosen stakeholder. 01-05-2015 – 30-08-2015

15 WP3 I NNOVATION LABS CO - CREATION PROJECTS O4-A2 INNOLABS implementation 1st stage: co- creation project idea generation  FS – leading organization, follow this process and provide feedback and support  SEI, IFS – follow this process and provide feedback and support  VA, EKA, CUT – organize internal working groups to develop projects, involve student teams and staff  NHL, AAU – help via electronic communications and provide feedback Students of diverse study fields will start to develop the ideas for solutions for raised problems in previous stage. In multidisciplinary teams student teams will co-create concepts. The result-concrete innovation ideas for stakeholders. 01-09-2015 – 31-12-2015

16 WP3 I NNOVATION LABS CO - CREATION PROJECTS O4-A3 INNOLABS Implementation 2nd stage: co-creation project development  NHL – leading organization, provide feedback in one workshop, help via electronic communications  AAU – provide feedback in one workshop, help via electronic communications  VA, EKA, CUT – organize internal working groups to develop projects, involve student teams and staff.  FS, SEI, IFS – follow this process and provide feedback and support 01-12-2015 – 31-03-2016

17 WP3 I NNOVATION LABS CO - CREATION PROJECTS O4-A4 INNOLABS Implementation 3rd stage: Co-creation project development  NHL – leading organization, provide feedbacks in workshops and help via electronic communications  AAU – provide feedbacks in workshops and help via electronic communications  VA, EKA, CUT – organize internal working groups to develop projects, involve student teams and staff  FS, SEI, IFS – follow this process and provide feedback and support 01-03-2016 – 30-05-2016

18 WP 4 M ETHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT O5-A1 Ssustainable Innovation And Entrepreneurship Methodology  All partners will be involved in the preparation of Methodology  Leading organization – NHL  All others participate with their input and provide necessary contents for the Guidelines. 01-02-2016 – 30-07-2016

19 WP 4 M ETHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT O6-A1 Preparation and publication of Guidelines for Intermediary Innovation Networks  All partners will be involved in the preparation of the Guidelines for intermediaries.  AAU – leading organization  All others participate with their input and provide necessary contents for the Guidelines 01-02-2016 – 30-07-2016

20 WP 5 D ISSEMINATION O7-A1 Project website development  IFS – leading organization for website development and operation.  All partners will provide input for website Development of website structure, registering domain name, preparation of visual identity (including logo) and other necessary actions for website development. 01-10-2014 – 31-01-2015

21 O7-A2 Operation of project website  IFS – leading organization, maintain the website technically and in relation to contents.  All partners feed in the information to the website. Updating and content management of the website 01-01-2015 – 31-08-2016

22 WP 5 D ISSEMINATION O8-A1 Preparation of dissemination plan  CUT – leading organization, responsible for development of the common English version.  All partners feed in the document the channels, responisibilities and activities to reach their desired stakeholder groups. Drafting and preparing of detailed dissemination plan. 01-01-2015 – 30-04-2015

23 WP 5 D ISSEMINATION O8-A2 Implementation of dissemination plan  Each partner implements its dissemination activities according to the plan. 02-01-2015 – 31-08-2016

24 WP5 - A CTIVITIES Project meeting and final event; Development of project website (including visual identity); Brochure; Development of detailed communication plan; Press releases (2 in each country); At least 1 project presentation at international conference; Summer camp and contest for project team and best studen project authors (4 from each country); Youtube channelling; Workshops for stakeholders – 1 in 3 countries (LV, CY, EST).

25 WP5 - O UTPUTS 1 website 1 youtube channelling 10 press releases Brochure in 4 languages Final event

26 … TO THE HAPPY ENDING 31/08/2016

27 P OINTS FOR DISCUSSION Criteria definition for student work Level/competences of students Methodology Multidisciplinary teams Involvement of stakeholders Durability Social relevance Conceptual framework What is INNOLABS


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