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Layout of a silicon solar cell. Components of a PV system Module – consists of many cells wired together Support structure Inverter – converts DC module.

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Presentation on theme: "Layout of a silicon solar cell. Components of a PV system Module – consists of many cells wired together Support structure Inverter – converts DC module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layout of a silicon solar cell

2 Components of a PV system Module – consists of many cells wired together Support structure Inverter – converts DC module output to AC power at the right voltage and frequency for transfer to the grid Concentrating mirrors or lens for concentrating PV systems

3 Types of PV cells Single-crystalline Multi-crystalline Thin-film amorphous silicon Thin-film compound semiconductors Thin-film multi-crystalline Nano-crystalline dye-sensitized cells Plastic cells

4 Thin-film compound semiconductors Cadmium telluride (CdTe) Copper-indium-diselenide (CuInSe 2, CIS) Copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) Gallium arsenide (GaAs)

5 Best efficiencies achieved as of 2009

6 Trend in efficiency of PV cells and modules

7 Structure of the GaInP/GaInAs/Ge multi-junction Cell

8 Factors affecting module efficiency Solar irradiance – efficiency peaks at around 500 W/m 2 for non-concentrating cells Temperature – efficiency decreases with increasing temperature, more so for c-Si and CIGS, less for a-Si and CdTe Dust – can reduce output by 3-6% in desert areas

9 Module efficiency vs solar irradiance, theoretical calculations

10 Module efficiency vs solar irradiance, measurements

11 System efficiency is the product of Module efficiency Inverter efficiency MPP-tracking efficiency

12 Inverter & MPP Efficiency, measured

13 MPP-tracking efficiency

14 BiPV on single-family house in Finland

15 BiPV on a single-family house in Maine

16 PV modules (attached to insulation) on a horizontal flat roof Source:

17 PV modules servings as shading louvres on the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation building

18 Supplemental figure PV modules as vertical shading louvres on the SBIC East head office building in Tokyo

19 PV modules providing partial shading in the atrium of the Brundtland Centre (Denmark, left) and Kowa Elementary School (Tokyo, right) Source: Shinkenchiku-ShaSource: Henrik Sorensen, Esbensen Consulting

20 The Netherlands

21 Growth in annual PV production

22 Growth in installed PV power

23 Price of Photovoltaic Module

24 Triple-junction a-Si on laminated roofing

25 PV Scenario



28 Solar Module Annual Tilt Modules are tilted at latitude angle to be aimed at sun on equinoxes; at solstices, they are off by the obliquity angle 070206 NP SP NP SP NP SP NP SP +23.5° tilt -23.5° Summer Solstice Winter Solstice Fall Spring

29 Horizontal Plane Zenith Angle of Sun 070206 Zeni Zenith (up) North Pole Equator To Sun Equatorial Plane Latitude Angle Solar Declination Angle Zenith Angle To Sun You are here! Sun’s zenith angle is measured from local vertical South Pole

30 PV ARRAY: SOLAR NOON TILT DATA Latitude = 28 Degrees North Optimum Solar Module Tilt Website calculations 050208 MonthSun Altitude Array Tilt Array Points to: JAN4248South FEB5139South MAR6228South APR7416South MAY828South JUN855South JUL828South AUG7416South SEP6228South OCT5040South NOV4248South DEC3951South Array Tilt = 90 degrees - Sun Altitude

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