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WHO ARE WE AND WHAT DO WE DO? Social Development in South Asia Maitreyi Bordia Das.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO ARE WE AND WHAT DO WE DO? Social Development in South Asia Maitreyi Bordia Das."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO ARE WE AND WHAT DO WE DO? Social Development in South Asia Maitreyi Bordia Das

2 What is social development? Could be many things to many people but in the Bank it is defined as: Could be many things to many people but in the Bank it is defined as: –Inclusion –Cohesion –Accountability Looking at development from the lens of the poor Looking at development from the lens of the poor

3 South Asia Serves eight client countries with a total population of about 2 billion Serves eight client countries with a total population of about 2 billion Diversity – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Diversity – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Home to almost half of the world's poor and a focal area for Bank support to reduce poverty Home to almost half of the world's poor and a focal area for Bank support to reduce poverty Also among the regions with the fastest growing youth population Also among the regions with the fastest growing youth population


5 Where are the challenges? Exclusion - traditional axes of exclusion remain strong – based on caste, ethnicity, gender Exclusion - traditional axes of exclusion remain strong – based on caste, ethnicity, gender Conflict – Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Nepal and also within India Conflict – Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Nepal and also within India Governance failures – low accountability and failures in service delivery Governance failures – low accountability and failures in service delivery


7 Starkest outcome of gender based inequalities is death of young girls

8 India: Teacher absence by state Source: World Bank, 2005 based on Kremer et al, 2004


10 What does social development mean in South Asia? Operational work Operational work –Social safeguard policies of the Bank to ensure that Bank projects do not harm but instead do good –Addressing involuntary resettlement Analytical work Analytical work –Policy advice and technical assistance programs (examples)

11 How are we organized? Together with Environment and Water Resources Together with Environment and Water Resources Part of a larger department of Sustainable Development Part of a larger department of Sustainable Development Environment and social issues are inextricably linked Environment and social issues are inextricably linked Highly decentralized staff Highly decentralized staff

12 Who are our partners? Governments – core “clients” and our shareholders – first level of accountability Governments – core “clients” and our shareholders – first level of accountability Civil society – whole range of actors from development to loobying organizations to academia Civil society – whole range of actors from development to loobying organizations to academia Development partners (bilateral and multilateral) Development partners (bilateral and multilateral)

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