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Traditional Medicine and Caribou. How Caribou Was Used in Traditional Medicine By Dorothy Q, Frances, And Meagan Mariq.

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Medicine and Caribou. How Caribou Was Used in Traditional Medicine By Dorothy Q, Frances, And Meagan Mariq."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Medicine and Caribou

2 How Caribou Was Used in Traditional Medicine By Dorothy Q, Frances, And Meagan Mariq

3 Traditional Medicine and Caribou Caribou was very useful for Inuit in the old days Caribou was used for traditional medicine in different ways

4 Caribou Vertebrates Vertebrates of a caribou backbone were used to treat stomach aches If someone had a stomach ache they would burn a vertebrate and eat it.

5 Caribou Vertebrates Caribou bones can also be used for splints so that a person’s broken bone will be straightened and will heal better

6 Caribou Skin Sometimes part of the stomach were used for headaches A piece of caribou skin could be used as a headband to relieve headaches, too

7 How was caribou used for medicine and healing? If someone had a cut they would peel off some of the caribou skin, wet it a little and put it on the cut It would take 2 or 3 days to heal

8 How else was caribou used for medicine and healing? Dried meat was chewed for sore throats Caribou fat was given to babies with diarrhea

9 Were there doctors in the old days? Sometimes shaman were considered to be doctors because they healed sick people Inuit had their own medicine using plants and animals Most people knew how to heal sickness using plants and animals from the land

10 Do people still use caribou parts for medicine and healing? Elders say that people will only use caribou parts for medicine only if they don’t have a modern first aid kit.

11 These are layers of skins from a real caribou. They were used for bandages in the old days

12 Thank You

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