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Accidents will happen. Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents? Accident drown bleed choke burn/fire cut a nosebleed.

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Presentation on theme: "Accidents will happen. Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents? Accident drown bleed choke burn/fire cut a nosebleed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Accidents will happen.

3 Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents? Accident drown bleed choke burn/fire cut a nosebleed a snake bite a sprained ankle a broken arm car accident

4 What is first aid? First aid is ___________________ given to someone who suddenly ___________ or _____________ before a doctor can be found. a temporary form of help falls ill gets injured

5 So it is necessary for us to know the skill of first aid and how to deal with accidents to save their lives.


7 1. To treat a bleeding, you should put a bandage( 绷带 ) on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding. A. True B. False

8 2. The best way to treat a sprained ankle is to: A. Put some ice on your ankle. B. Put a heating pad( 垫子 )around your ankle. C. Keep on walking and jumping.

9 3. To treat a broken arm, you should: A. move the broken arm at once. B. keep the arm still using a sling to support the broken arm.

10 4. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back( 仰起头 ) to stop the bleeding. A. True B. False (It may lead the blood into the throat and easily cause choking.)

11 5. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. A. True B. False (吐)

12 6. To treat a burn, you will: A. Rub ( 擦 ) some butter on it. B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C. Put salt on the burnt part.

13 7. Your friend has an asthma ( 哮喘 ) attack, but she doesn’t have her medicine. You’d better: A. Get a paper bag for her to breathe into. B. Get her a cup of coffee. C. Take her outside for fresh air. Caffeine ( 咖啡因 ) can help to dilate( 扩大 ) the windpipe ( 气管 ).

14 Can you guess what will happen to the girl? How will the mother deal with the burns? Look at the picture on the left. What has happened? The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself. She will get bad burns. Pre-reading

15 First Aid for Reading Burns

16 Skimming Find out in which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the functions( 功能 ) of skin ____ the symptoms( 症状 ) of burns ____ how we get burns 3 5 1 4 2

17 The three layers of skin: The third layer The second layer The top layer

18 The functions of skin: 1) Protect you against, and ; 2) Keep you or ; 3) Prevent your body from _______; 4) It is where you feel _______,________ and_______. 5) It gives you. losing too much water sense of touch warmcool diseasespoisons the sun’s harmful rays Careful Reading---Task 1 coldheat pain

19 Careful Reading---Task 2 steamfire radiation the sun electricity hot liquids 2.How can we get burned? chemicals

20 Careful Reading---Task 3 How many types of burns and what are they? There are three types of burns: first degree burns, second degree burns and third degree burns.

21 First degree burns Affect the ____layer of the skin. Dry, red and mildly _________. _________ painful. Turn white when ______. Second degree burns Affect both the ____ & the ________ layer. ________, red and swollen. Extremely painful. ________ watery surface Third degree burns Affect_____ layers of the skin. Swollen; ________can be seen. ______ or ____ pain. Black and white and __________. Types & characteristics of burns 1. Types 2. Characteristics top top second all three swollen rough tissue mildly little no pressed blisters charred

22 According to the form above, label these pictures with first, second and third degree burns. first degree burns second degree burns third degree burns AB C

23 First aid treatment-------Task 4 1 、 _____ 2 、 _______ 6 、 _____5 、 _____ 3 、 _____ 4 、 _____ remove clothing cool burnsplace cloths get victim to hospital cover bandage dry burned area 6 steps about first aid treatment for burns

24 What should you do if burns are on arms or legs? What should you do if burns are on the face? If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart. If burns are on the face, the victims should sit up.

25 Summary First aid for burns The__1______ of skin Skin acts as a ____2_____against disease, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. Burns Hot liquids, steam, fire and so on can ___3_____burns. First degree burns affect the __4___layer of the skin. ____5____degree burns are very painful. Third degree burns have little or no pain because ____6____are damaged. ______7_____ for burns ___8___and ____9_____ near burns should be taken off. It’s better to put __10__water on the first and second degree burns for 10 minutes. Use a dry, clean ___11______ to cover the burned area. functionsbarrier cause top Second nerves Treatment clothingjewellery cool bandage

26 Discussion What can you do to rescue the drowning man?

27 Press a hand on his chest many times. Use the mouth-to-mouth method. Lay him on his back, close his nose with your fingers and breathe into his mouth. Repeat this as often as necessary. 1. Check to see if he is breathing. 2. Try to start his breathing.

28 1 、 Life is precious. So we should be cautious in our daily life to avoid accidents. 2 、 We should care about others and try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger. Summing up

29 1.Get more about first aid from the newspaper, magazine or the Internet. 2.Find out the important and difficult words and expressions and finish exercises on page 36.

30 30 Thanks for your listening! Bye~

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