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ICP Tool Pack ICP Regional Coordinators Meeting,Tunis, November 17-21, 2003 Vilas Mandlekar The World Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "ICP Tool Pack ICP Regional Coordinators Meeting,Tunis, November 17-21, 2003 Vilas Mandlekar The World Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICP Tool Pack ICP Regional Coordinators Meeting,Tunis, November 17-21, 2003 Vilas Mandlekar The World Bank

2 2 ICP Tool Pack Process tasks Structured product description (SPD) and product specification Price data collection Price data compilation, analysis, and reporting, at national, regional and global levels

3 3 ICP Tool Pack Process flow -- overall Product specification process Price survey setup Data collection and data entry Data Compilation & verification Data processing, analysis and reports

4 4 ICP Tool Pack Tool Pack software modules Structured product description module Price data collection module Administration and analysis module

5 5 ICP Tool Pack Process tasks Product specification Compile structured product descriptions (SPDs) from Excel files provided by regions Dialog between Global Office and Regions, and between Regions and Countries Prepare master list of products Price survey setup Prepare product list and characteristics, outlier tolerances Prepare units of measure (UoM) lists Prepare price outlets and hierarchy lists Prepare price collectors lists Map outlets to products and to price collectors

6 6 ICP Tool Pack Process flow -- product specification Global Office SPD compilation (superset) Region/Ctry Request new Characteristics or SPDs Countries Create new PSs accept/reject regional PSs Region Create regional SPD (subset), PSs Region Compares & selects PSs from countries Request sent to Global office PSs OK ? Send PSs to Global Office N Y

7 7 ICP Tool Pack Process flow -- price survey setup Setup UoMs Create price collection assignments Mapping 1. Map survey to products 2. Map outlets to products 3. Map price collectors to outlets Setup price collectors Setup outlets & location hierarchies Setup Products & characteristics Create survey Send assignment to price collection centers

8 8 ICP Tool Pack Process tasks Data collection and data entry Collect price observations (ac tual data collection) Verify preliminary data at price collection centers Enter data into system, verify price outliers Export data to survey administrator (national or regional) Data compilation and verification Compile data (import into repository) sent by price data collection centers Verify for price outliers and for other price anomalies Input other data needed for index calculation -- weights, GDP expenditures, exchange rates etc.

9 9 ICP Tool Pack Process flow -- data collection and data entry Prepare blank data entry forms (multiple or single product) Collect price observations Scrutinize price & accept observations on paper forms Price observations data entry Preliminary data verification Price data export to administrator

10 10 ICP Tool Pack Process tasks Data processing, analysis and reports Select price data, based on geographic or other price attributes, save selections Perform price imputation based on selected methodology Produce price indices, reports Analyze indices

11 11 ICP Tool Pack Process flow -- data proc., analysis & reports National Coord. Data compilation, verification, calculation of national average Price data, Nat’l averages sent to regional ICP coordinators Regional Coord. Data verification Calculation of indices Verify results Is any ctry data anomalous ? Regional report Y N

12 12 ICP Tool Pack Tool Pack features Tool Pack includes 3 modules - deployable separately SPD system to support product specification process Operates in stand-alone mode Price collection module Speed data entry Supervisor flexibility to perform preliminary data verification to improve data quality Operates as a stand-alone module Data transfer to administrator over network

13 13 ICP Tool Pack Tool Pack features (cont’d) Administration and Analysis module Set up of survey and products Choice of price imputation methods (CPD, EKS *) Choice of price indices (Laspeyres, Fisher, GK, Tornqvist, Paasche, EKS, etc.) Can be used for CPI Data verification reports Quaranta tables Web-based access Data base management capability, incl. archiving Administrator and analyst roles can be defined Does not require any special software to be procured by countries

14 14 ICP Tool Pack Price data collection module demo Log-in and security Print blank forms for data entry Data entry Edit data Compare data - preliminary data check Data transfer Options - passwords, user rights, settings, housekeeping, etc. Installation

15 15 ICP Tool Pack Thank you !

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