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UN Millennium Development Goal 6 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases Presented by Aziza Genglik, Mariah Maldovan, Haley Schooler & Nicolas Renouil.

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Presentation on theme: "UN Millennium Development Goal 6 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases Presented by Aziza Genglik, Mariah Maldovan, Haley Schooler & Nicolas Renouil."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN Millennium Development Goal 6 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases Presented by Aziza Genglik, Mariah Maldovan, Haley Schooler & Nicolas Renouil

2 An Introduction to MDG 6  MDG 6 includes three sub-targets  Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS  Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it  Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases  MDG 6 includes three sub-targets  Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS  Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it  Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

3 Regional Focus: West Africa  HIV/AIDS: Nigeria most affected  3.1% - 3.4 million people  10-32% of new infections related to sex work  High Risk:  Females (20-34),  Males (25-49)  Men who have sex with men  High-risk drinkers  People who use drugs  Disabled People  HIV/AIDS: Nigeria most affected  3.1% - 3.4 million people  10-32% of new infections related to sex work  High Risk:  Females (20-34),  Males (25-49)  Men who have sex with men  High-risk drinkers  People who use drugs  Disabled People

4 The Diseases  Malaria mainly affects pregnant women and children  Other common disease indigenous to West Africa include yellow fever, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and B, and cholera  Ebola mainly affects health workers, family members of infected individuals, and mourners who have direct contact with body during burial rituals  By the end of the epidemic, mortality rate stood around 50%  Malaria mainly affects pregnant women and children  Other common disease indigenous to West Africa include yellow fever, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and B, and cholera  Ebola mainly affects health workers, family members of infected individuals, and mourners who have direct contact with body during burial rituals  By the end of the epidemic, mortality rate stood around 50%

5 The Issues Behind MDG6  Poverty, and religious and cultural factors are the main causes for high rates of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases  Poverty leads many into sex work, the inability to purchase insect nets, and less education on the risks and transmission of the diseases  In more religious areas the use of condoms is frowned upon, and some commercials for the promotion of safe-sex have been banned  Culturally, the stigma against these diseases hinders many from being tested and the practice of female genital mutilation has led to more cases of HIV/AIDS  Poverty, and religious and cultural factors are the main causes for high rates of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases  Poverty leads many into sex work, the inability to purchase insect nets, and less education on the risks and transmission of the diseases  In more religious areas the use of condoms is frowned upon, and some commercials for the promotion of safe-sex have been banned  Culturally, the stigma against these diseases hinders many from being tested and the practice of female genital mutilation has led to more cases of HIV/AIDS

6 Addressing MDG6

7 Effective Education  Malaria Research/Treatment Funding: Ten times that available in 2000  Global HIV/AIDS Funding: From 4.2 billion USD in 2003 to 21.7 billion USD in 2014  Increase in Funding  Greater distribution of supplies  However, Limited impact on meeting health target  Without Consistent Education, “Significant behavioral change to sustain the decline [of disease]” = Unlikely  Example of Successful Implementation: Malaria-Free Bolivia  Reached UN targets within 5 years  Total elimination by 2020  Malaria Research/Treatment Funding: Ten times that available in 2000  Global HIV/AIDS Funding: From 4.2 billion USD in 2003 to 21.7 billion USD in 2014  Increase in Funding  Greater distribution of supplies  However, Limited impact on meeting health target  Without Consistent Education, “Significant behavioral change to sustain the decline [of disease]” = Unlikely  Example of Successful Implementation: Malaria-Free Bolivia  Reached UN targets within 5 years  Total elimination by 2020

8 Public Infrastructure  West African Infrastructure: Exceedingly sparse  Infrastructure Role:  Provides information  Basic treatment “THE HEALTH MDGS CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED IF BOTH HEALTH SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING AND DISEASE-SPECIFIC RESPONSES ARE EQUALLY ADDRESSED.”  West African Infrastructure: Exceedingly sparse  Infrastructure Role:  Provides information  Basic treatment “THE HEALTH MDGS CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED IF BOTH HEALTH SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING AND DISEASE-SPECIFIC RESPONSES ARE EQUALLY ADDRESSED.”

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