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XHTML References and Rules William Pegram Revised 9/5/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "XHTML References and Rules William Pegram Revised 9/5/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 XHTML References and Rules William Pegram Revised 9/5/2012

2 Reminders Filenames and foldernames should not have spaces in them All the content of the webpage should go between the and Things in between and – - required for validation – - embedded stylesheet (optional) – - for external stylesheets (optional) – - meta tags (optional) – - JavaScript (optional; can also be in body)

3 References to Other Files HTML/XHTML files often contain references to other files. Examples of such references are: – Links – Images (inline or background) – External stylesheets – Flash movies – External JavaScript files

4 Ways of Referencing Other Files Absolute using http:// -- this is the only way to reference files on other websites Relative – the location of the file is specified relative to the location of the file in which the reference is contained Absolute using a beginning / (Dreamweaver calls these site-root references) – one specifies the path to the file beginning with the top level (root) of the site

5 Relative References If both files are in the same folder, just specify the filename If in different folders, do like in the following example – Suppose you have a folder named redskins and at the top level of this folder you have files called allen.html and shanahan.html, a folder named offense and a folder named defense in the offense folder there is a file called mcnabb.html and in the defense folder there is a file called haynesworth.html

6 Relative references From the shanahan.html file, references to the other files would be written as follows: General Manager QB From the mcnabb.html file, references to the other files would be written as follows: Coach Albert The../ takes you up one level, out of current folder; it can be repeated multiple times../../ for up two levels, etc.

7 Use of leading / in reference If the reference begins with a / rather than a../, the / means to start at the top level of the site. It is thus an absolute reference because the reference doesn't depend on where you are coming from, only where you are going to While this may seem like a simpler way to do the reference, the leading / has several disadvantages: – The reference can't be tested locally (i.e. File>Open) – What is the root of the site can depend on where the site is hosted, so the site becomes less portable than if the reference were relative

8 XHTML Rules All tags and attribute names lowercase Attribute values must be in double quotes No one-sided tags – use /> to end such tags Attributes must be set equal to values, thus in a radio button or checkbox you can't just used checked, but must say checked="checked" Thus instead of writing One writes

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