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What’s new in ASP.NET 4.0 ?. Agenda Changes to Core Services  Extensible Output Caching  Shrinking Session State  Performance Monitoring  Permanently.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s new in ASP.NET 4.0 ?. Agenda Changes to Core Services  Extensible Output Caching  Shrinking Session State  Performance Monitoring  Permanently."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s new in ASP.NET 4.0 ?

2 Agenda Changes to Core Services  Extensible Output Caching  Shrinking Session State  Performance Monitoring  Permanently redirecting a page Changes to Web forms  Better control of the viewstate  Setting MetaTags  Chart conrol  Routing  Setting Client IDs

3 Web Config File Refractoring Auto-Start Web Applications Expanding the Range of Allowable URLs Extensible Request Validation Object Caching and Object Caching Extensibility Extensible HTML, URL, and HTTP Header Encoding Dynamic Lookup Covariance and Contravariance Variance in C# 4.0

4 Extensible Output Caching Possibility of creation of own storage: o Memory o Local or Remote Drive o Cloud Services o Distributed Cache Engines

5 To configure the custom cache provider, specify the details in your application's Web.config file

6  Possibility of creation of Cache Providers :  Usage of Different cache providers for different pages: public override string GetOutputCacheProviderName(HttpCo ntext context) { if (context.Request.Path.EndsWith(“example.aspx")) return " CacheProviderName "; else return base.GetOutputCacheProviderName(context); }

7 Shrinking Session State In ASP.NET we can compress session state data for both Session-state server and Microsoft SQL server.

8 Performance Monitoring If multiple applications use a single shared worker process, it is difficult for server administrators to identify an individual application performance. In IIS hosted ASP.NET 4.0 application we can gather performance data for an individual ASP.NET Application.

9 Settings in the Aspnet.config file

10 Permanently Redirecting New RedirectPermanent method that makes it easy to issue HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses. Example: Response.RedirectPermanent("newlocation/p age.aspx");

11 Routing Routing Mechanism.

12 Essential Points for a URL A domain name that is easy to remember and easy to spell Short URLs Easy to type URLs URLs that visualize site structure Persistent URLs that don't change

13 URL Routing in.NET 4.0

14 Namespace: System.Web.RoutingSystem.Web.Routing public Route MapPageRoute( string routeName, string routeUrl, string physicalFile, bool checkPhysicalUrlAccess, RouteValueDictionary defaults ) Example: routes.MapPageRoute("","Category/{action}/{ca tegoryName}", "~/categoriespage.aspx", true, new RouteValueDictionary {{"categoryName", "food"}, {"action", "show"}});

15 Setting Meta Tags ASP.NET 4 introduces the new properties MetaKeywords and MetaDescription to the Page class. The @Page directive contains the Keywords and Description attribute. Example: Page.MetaDescription=“This is the default page” Page.MetaKeywords=“This is the default page”

16 Better control of the viewstate View state can be opt in ViewStateMode Enabled Disabled Inherit

17 Setting Client ID 4 Modes  AutoID  Static  Inherit  Predictable

18 Chart Control  35 distinct chart types  An unlimited number of chart areas,titles, legends, and annotations  3-D support for most chart types  Strip Lines, scale breaks, and logarithimic scaling  Simple binding and manipulation of chart data.  State management  Binary streaming  Support for common data formats, such as date, time and currency.



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