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West Africa’s smallest country The Gambia is…. 90% Islamic The Gambia is…

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Presentation on theme: "West Africa’s smallest country The Gambia is…. 90% Islamic The Gambia is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 West Africa’s smallest country The Gambia is…

2 90% Islamic The Gambia is…

3 A Restricted Access Country Only bi-vocational personnel are allowed to enter the country Only bi-vocational personnel are allowed to enter the country The Gambia is…

4 Home to unreached people groups ► Less than 200 ethnically Wolof believers ► Less than 40 Wolof speaking missionaries ministering to 3 million Wolof people The Gambia is…

5 a Team Committed to Growing and Working Together ABWE: The Gambia is…

6 a Ministry Outreach to Gambians with the Goal of Establishing Wolof Speaking Churches ABWE: The Gambia is…

7 Involved in








15 Ndungu Kebbeh Health Center a non-surgical facility serving more than 30 villages in the surrounding area

16 Outpatient Clinic 25,000 patients visit each year 3 days a week with 24/7urgent care

17 20-bed In-patient Ward 1300 admissions each year

18 Maternal Child Health Clinics Childhood Immunizations & Prenatal Clinics

19 Obstetrical 200 Deliveries each year

20 Minor surgical procedures I&D, Foreign Body Removal, Laceration Repair

21 Laboratory Hematocrit, Malaria blood films, Blood Glucose & Urine analysis

22 Ndungu Kebbeh Literacy Ministry

23 A Ministry to Gambians of All Ages

24 Adult Literacy Classes 21 Classes in 11 different villages Functional reading and writing Skills training and financial management

25 Literature Production Periodicals and books in local languages –Health Topics –Traditional Folk Stories –Biblical Stories –Sanitation and Agriculture

26 Library Reading room Listening center Tutoring

27 Nursery School 50 children between the ages of 3-6 Staffed by national teachers

28 North Bank Missionary School

29 Meeting the Educational, Spiritual and Social Needs of Missionary Children


31 The Greater Banjul Area Ministry

32 Assisting Missionaries in Government Business and Support

33 Government Liaison

34 Guesthouse Ministry

35 ABWE Administrative Complex

36 Maintenance

37 Helping to Maintain the Facilities God has Provided Plumbing Plumbing Solar electricity Solar electricity Carpentry Carpentry Masonry Masonry Metal Working Metal Working

38 Community Development

39 Serving and Training Gambians in Areas of their Felt Needs: Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation Agriculture Agriculture Microeconomics Microeconomics Appropriate Technologies Appropriate Technologies

40 Youth and Sports

41 50 % of the Population is Less then 15 Years of Age

42 Reaching out to the Youth of the Gambia through Volleyball Volleyball Sports Camps Sports Camps Soccer Tournaments Soccer Tournaments Tutoring Tutoring Mentoring Mentoring

43 OUR primary focus remains Church Planting

44 Pre-Evangelism and Independent Study Courses through Individual and Small Group Bible Studies

45 Clinic morning preaching

46 Village visitation and relationship building

47 Bible Stories in the Wolof Newspaper

48 Prayer with those Facing Difficulties

49 Sunday Morning Worship

50 Bible teaching cassettes and videos

51 Discipleship and Leadership Training

52 Individual Discipleship of Believers

53 We Need Men and Women ► With a heart for Muslim evangelism and church planting ► With a desire to be part of a team focused ministry ► Who are motivated to learn the culture and language

54 We need Church Planters with Vocational Skills

55 The Gambia Team Urgently Needs You to Join them in this Ministry

56 Are You Willing to Join Us?


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