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Comfort, Safety & Durability. Cellular Silicone Foam Unique Features  Inherently Fire Proof  Zero Smoke Toxicity  Zero Smoke Visibility Loss  Wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Comfort, Safety & Durability. Cellular Silicone Foam Unique Features  Inherently Fire Proof  Zero Smoke Toxicity  Zero Smoke Visibility Loss  Wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comfort, Safety & Durability

2 Cellular Silicone Foam Unique Features  Inherently Fire Proof  Zero Smoke Toxicity  Zero Smoke Visibility Loss  Wide Temperature Resistance (-50°C to +205°C)  Low Heat Release  Does not Melt  Halogen Free  Free from Compression Set  Uniform Load distribution  Highly Comfortable & Durable  Highly Inert to Water  UV Resistance  No Odour  Resistant to Solvents, Minerals & Oils.

3 About Advanced Silicones Advanced Silicones is a start-up venture that has specialized the development & manufacturing of Silicone formulations & products in different product segments including Cellular Silicones & Silicone Rubbers. After three years of dedicated research & development, ASPL is the first company in India that started the bulk production of Cellular Silicone foams. An ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001 certified production facility is situated in National Capital region, Faridabad. The company possesses a wide range of test facilities that cover Mechanical, Thermal, Performance, Fire & Safety related tests for a wide range of industries.

4 Silicone Foam Installations MRVC Driver Seat Supplied to BT GS Coach Single Seater LHB Chair Car GS Coach Four Seater LHB III Tier A/C

5 ABOUT SILICONES Silicones are inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of forms and uses. Typically heat-resistant and rubber like. They are generally used in Insulation, Sealants, Adhesives, Lubricants & Medical application mainly because of following properties: Higher Thermal Stability (-50°C to +205°C) Excellent Fire resistance Low Toxicity Excellent compression set Inertness to Water & Chemicals Electrical Insulation Silicones are Polymers with long chains of alternating Silicon & Oxygen atoms with Hydrogen & organic substituent's on Silicon branches Common Forms: Silicone Oil, Silicone Grease, Silicone Rubber, Silicone Resin, Silicone caulk.

6 Silicone Foam –Unique Features  Inherently Fire Proof  Zero Smoke Toxicity  Zero Smoke Visibility Loss  Wide Temperature Resistance (-50°C to +205°C)  Low Heat Release  Does not Melt  Halogen Free  Free from Compression Set  Uniform Load distribution  Highly Comfortable & Durable  Highly Inert to Water  UV Resistance  No Odour  Resistant to Solvents, Minerals & Oils.

7 FIRE & SAFETY Resistance to Fire UIC 564-2: Class A ) (Railway Standard) DIN 5510-2: (S4, SR2, ST2; Fed < 1) (Railway Standard) UL94:V-0 (Electrical Standard) ISO 4589:>32 ISO 2440:Pass Smoke Toxicity NCD 1409:< 1 (Marine Standard) BSS 7239:Pass (Aviation Standard) Smoke Density/ Visibility Loss UIC 564-2:Class A (Railway Standard) ASTM E 662:Pass (Aviation Standard) Heat Release Rate EN45545-2:R21 (< 50 KW/m2) (Railway Standard)

8 FIRE & SAFETY High Intensity Fire Test IMPORTANT FEATURS Highly Fire Resistant Does not melt into liquid Extremely Low Smoke Density Lowest Smoke Toxicity Low Heat Release Free of Halogens

9 FIRE & SAFETY Suggestions for Safety Improvement Two Materials should not be compared by just one Standard Comparative Exercises on fire resistance to be conducted utilizing high intensity flame Material Melting & Gas transformation Temperature to be included Smoke Density to be compared at different fire temperatures

10 DURABILITY New CushionUneven Cushion Compression Set Test Truck Video

11 DURABILITY Suggestions to achieve Higher Durability Conduct Automotive Standard IS: 7888; 70°C, 22 hrs; 0% Thickness Loss 100°C, 22 hrs; 0% Thickness Loss Comparison of practical installations in the coaches on more frequent basis

12 COMFORT Important Facts for Seat Design of IR Coaches: Coaches Designed for Long & Overnight Journeys Sleeping Option i.e. Sleeping Berths are essential Less Scope for Contouring & Ergonomical designs Flat Surface essential for sleeping Factors Important for Comfort Indentation Force Deflection Pressure Mapping

13 COMFORT INDENTATION FORCE DEFLECTION International Industry Practice (Indentation @ 40% compression) 2.5 – 5.0 kgfBed Pillows, Thick back pillows 5.0 – 7.5 kgfBack Pillows, Upholstery Padding 7.5 – 10 kgfVery Thick Seat Cushions, Wraps 10 – 12.5 kgfAverage Seat Cushions & Mattresses 12.5 – 15 kgfFirmer Seat Cushions & Mattresses 15 – 20 kgfThin Seat Cushions & firm mattresses > 20 kgf Shock Absorbing foams, Carpet underlays, Packaging etc

14 COMFORT PRESSURE MAPPING Computerized clinical tool for assessing pressure distribution.

15 COMFORT Suggestions for improvement in Comfort Compare your specification of IFD with Internationally adopted values Test the durability of the material at these Optimum IFD values Pressure Map to be introduced in the specification

16 Infrastructure Test Facilities Smoke Toxicity Test Chamber (NCD 1409) Flammability Test Chamber (UIC 564-2) Limiting Oxygen Index Tester (ISO 4589-2) Smoke Visibility Loss Chamber (UIC 564-2) Durability Fatigue Tester (IS: 7888) Tensile & Elongation Tester (IS: 7888) Indentation Tester (IS: 7888) Steam Conditioning Chamber Humidity & Temp Conditioning Chamber Hot Air Oven Deep Freezer Digital Viscometer Compression Set Test Apparatus (IS: 7888) Weighing Machines Chemical Balance Resilience Tester Pressure Mapping Equipment

17 Advantages over Conventional Cushioning Materials Higher Life & Cost Savings Significant Savings in Life Cycle Cost Many Times Longer Life Lower Downtime of Coaches Savings in Infrastructure/Manpower Requirements for Retro fitment More Safety Inherently Fire Proof ( No other cushioning material meet its FST properties ) Extremely Low Smoke Toxicity & Smoke Density ( Lowest Smoke Toxicity & Smoke Density ) Does not Melt into liquid More Passenger Comfort/Better Performance Highly Durable & Long life at Optimum Indentation Excellent Compression Set ( Zero Thickness Loss @ 50% Compression (70°C/22 Hrs & 100°C/22 Hrs ) Retain Resilience & Indentation Hardness for much longer time ( Does not loose its cushioning ) Can be fabricated to make profiles Globally accepted as premier cushioning material



20 Thanks!

21 Cost Comparison Coach TypePL No.LPR Price with Silicone foam% Diff Price with Optimization% Diff LHB AC Chair Car339941097618809586091.268761621.15 LHB FAC336007153238665473331.694501731.39 LW ACCW339938285584708321211.497233431.30 LHB SCN336003023317895607231.694578681.38 LHB GS336001932522424237671.683480931.38 WGACCN306169062560094332591.693507321.37 GS306674461300482149371.651786701.38

22 Smoke Toxicity NCD 1409 Gases to Detect: CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) CO (Carbon Monoxide) HBr (Hydrogen Bromide) HCL (Hydrogen Chloride) HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide) HF (Hydrogen Fluoride) NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) HCHO (Formaldehyde) CH2CHCN (Acrylonitrile) COCl2 (Phosgene) H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) NH3 (Ammonia) C6H5OH (Phenol) Flame Temp : 1100°C EN 45545 Gases to Detect: CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) CO (Carbon Monoxide) HBr (Hydrogen Bromide) HCL (Hydrogen Chloride) HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide) HF (Hydrogen Fluoride) NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) Furnace Temp : 600°C


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