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1 Nutrition and food security some more principles Spring 2009 I 613-2-09.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Nutrition and food security some more principles Spring 2009 I 613-2-09."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Nutrition and food security some more principles Spring 2009 I 613-2-09

2 2 Energy requirements Nutrient types and deficiencies Household food security Care interventions, feeding practices

3 3 Energy needs of population depend on: Resting metabolic needs (BMR) Activity: > 1.5 BMR Demographic composition –( includes pregnancy and lactation) Temperature E.g. emergencies 2100 kcals; usually around 2200 kcals; see RDAs Energy requirements

4 4 Energy needs: about 2200 kcals/hd/day, averaged over popn Protein: about 10% of energy should be from protein. CHO: 3.5-4.0 kcals/g Protein: 4.0 kcals/g Fat: 9.0 kcals/g

5 5 Nutrient types and deficiencies Type I - reduced tissue concentration and specific clinical signs Type II - reduced growth rate and non- specific signs

6 6 Nutrient types and deficiencies Source: M Golden

7 7 Nutrient types and deficiencies Source: M Golden

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9 9 Household food security. Except in emergencies (and even then) interventions to improve food security are pretty much the same as those to reduce poverty. Relevant actions: –Macroeconomic adjustment –Employment policies –Employment provision –Agricultural policies –Cash transfers (maybe conditional) –Food prices and subsidies, public distribution General subsidies Targeted Rations and quotas Food stamps and coupons See: ‘nutrition-relevant actions’

10 10 Measure food security and hunger: FPI/CPI Income/exp surveys Food cons surveys (incl 24 hr recall) Food perception q’aires Anthropometry ? See FIVIMS meeting:

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12 12 Care Interventions

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26 26 Community-based and service delivery (facility-based) programs Vertical micronutrient programs Nutrition in health services and schools Contextual and supporting policies.

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