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Do Now - Take a Do Now slip and answer the following question? When do you think the Roman Empire ended? - Did it end in the Classical or Post-Classical.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now - Take a Do Now slip and answer the following question? When do you think the Roman Empire ended? - Did it end in the Classical or Post-Classical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now - Take a Do Now slip and answer the following question? When do you think the Roman Empire ended? - Did it end in the Classical or Post-Classical era? Why?

2 MR. WOOD WHAP 101 Post-Classical Empires- Byzantine, Islamic Empires + Delhi Sultanate

3 Essential Question How did the Post-Classical Civilizations of Byzantine, Islamic Empires and Delhi Sultanate rise and grow?

4 Agenda 1. Do Now 2. Assign Homework – Finish Packet up to Engineering an Empire- Byzantine Empire 3. Watch Engineering an Empire- Byzantine Empire - 4. Ticket out

5 Do Now 1. Bring your homework up to Mr. Wood for your AC grade for the day 2. Compare and Case you Homework note on the Byzantine empire in groups of 3 – you can choose your groups

6 D0 Do Now - Take a Do Now slip and answer the following question? When do you think the Roman Empire ended? - Did it end in the Classical or Post-Classical era? Why?

7 Which do you think is more true? The Roman Republic and Empire lasted from about 500 BCE to 500 CE and ended when the city of Rome fell to Germanic peoples and the Byzantine Empire was a separate Empire from around 500 CE to 1453 CE. The Roman Republic and Empire lasted from 500 BCE to around 500 CE and continued in the east from Constantinople until 1453 CE (or There was no Byzantine Empire because it was Rome the whole time)

8 Essential Question How did the Post-Classical Civilizations of Byzantine, Islamic Empires and Delhi Sultanate rise and grow?

9 Agenda 1. Do Now 2. Assign Homework –Finish Byzantine Packet 3. Watch Engineering an Empire- Byzantine Empire - 4. Lecture on Iconoclasm and The Great Schism

10 Iconoclasm Controversy

11 The Great Schism


13 Ticket Out Fill out as much of your test ticket as your can on your own Tomorrow we will be Comparing and Casing as you come in

14 Do Now Compare and Case you Test Tickets on Byzantine Empire questions 1-5

15 Do Do Now Any Questions about the Test Ticket #1-5 Any Questions about the Vocabulary words?

16 Essential Question How did the Post-Classical Civilizations of Byzantine, Islamic Empires and Delhi Sultanate rise and grow?

17 Agenda 1. Do Now and Do Do Now 2. Assign Homework – Finish packet up to Delhi Sultanate 3. Watch – The Life of Muhammad (PBUH) 4. Ticket out –

18 Ticket Out What did you learn today?

19 Do Now 1. Read you vocab summaries out loud in groups of three 2. Any questions on Vocab words 3. Use you notes to answer test ticket questions 6- 9 – individually 4. Compare and Case in Groups of 3

20 Essential Question How did the Post-Classical Civilizations of Byzantine, Islamic Empires and Delhi Sultanate rise and grow?

21 Agenda 1. Do Now and Do Do Now 2. Assign Homework – Finish Packet!!! 3. Watch videos- Kushan Empire, Ghaznavid Empire to Delhi Sultanate 4. Lecture – Tamerlane 5. Ticket Out

22 Tamerlane

23 Ticket Out Work on your vocab- Kahoot is tomorrow!!

24 Do Now 1. Read vocab from Delhi Sultanate out loud with small group + write down vocab words you do not know 2. On your own fill out questions 10 – 14 on your test ticket 3. Compare and Case in groups of 3

25 Essential Question How did the Post-Classical Civilizations of Byzantine, Islamic Empires and Delhi Sultanate rise and grow?

26 Agenda 1. Do Now and Do Do Now 2. Assign Homework – Vocab test tomorrow, Short answer test next class 3. Kahoot! 4. Hand out Comparison Essay – 4.0 Option!

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