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Review Time WH: Chapter 8. What were the 3 parts to Medieval society?

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Presentation on theme: "Review Time WH: Chapter 8. What were the 3 parts to Medieval society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Time WH: Chapter 8

2 What were the 3 parts to Medieval society?

3 Why were the beginning of the Middle Ages bleak?

4 What was the heart of medieval society?

5 What does catholic mean?

6 T or F Christians of the Middle Ages are like the Christians today.

7 Who saved Rome from certain destruction?

8 What title was given to Leo I for his saving of Rome?

9 Why was Rome looked up to as a patriarchial city?

10 According to the Petrine Theory who was the pope?

11 How was the Middle Ages a “dark age”?

12 What has equal power to the Bible if a RCC?

13 How can a RCC go to heaven?

14 How many sacraments are there?

15 What is the purpose of saints?

16 What is viewed as a “good luck charm” in RCC?

17 What is the term for the congregation of RCC?

18 What were the two types of clergy?

19 What was the law for monks to follow?

20 Who was the most famous missionary of the Middle Ages?

21 What was the most powerful Germanic tribe in Europe?

22 Who was first called “king of the Franks”?

23 What alliance did France make under Clovis that would last for centuries?

24 What was the most powerful position under the Frankish kings?

25 What line of Frankish kings was begun under Clovis?

26 What was the nickname given to the heirs of Clovis?

27 What made Charles Martel famous?

28 In what year did the Battle of Tours occur?

29 Who did Pepin the Short ask to become king?

30 What was the donation of Pepin?

31 Who was the greatest of the Carolingian kings?

32 What were the missi dominici in Charlemagne’s empire?

33 What did Charlemagne emphasize in his empire for his subjects?

34 What question arose when Charlemagne was crowned by the pope?

35 What was the leading center of education in Charlemagne’s empire?

36 What was used as printing houses in the Middle Ages?

37 What treaty divided Charlemagne’s empire?

38 Who were the most feared raiders of this time?

39 What ism was created between lords and servants during the Middle Ages?

40 What allowed a person to be considered wealthY?

41 What was the term for an estate?

42 What was the lord giving a vassal the right to use land called?

43 What was the ceremony in which a vassal pledged loyalty to a lord?

44 What was the primary purpose of a castle?

45 What would an original castle be like?

46 What were the two steps in becoming a knight?

47 What was the code knights lived by?

48 Who or what tried to regulate the behavior of knights?

49 What were the mock wars knights gathered at called?

50 What was a competition between two knights?

51 What was the home for many during the Middle Ages controlled by a Lord?

52 What two buildings were the center of life on a manor?

53 What was the daily life of a serf like?


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