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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan ÖZCERİT.  What are analog and digital signals/systems  Comparison between analog and digital systems  Analog-Digital Conversion.

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Presentation on theme: "Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan ÖZCERİT.  What are analog and digital signals/systems  Comparison between analog and digital systems  Analog-Digital Conversion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan ÖZCERİT

2  What are analog and digital signals/systems  Comparison between analog and digital systems  Analog-Digital Conversion You will learn: 2

3 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 3  We measure physical magnitudes (amounts) in two fashions: Analog Digital  When magnitudes are transformed into electrical domain (current or potential), they are called SIGNALS.  We use Analog and Digital signals to process and to transfer energy, information and other magnitudes that can be represented in signals for our daily life and applications  We can convert physical magnitudes like temperature, pressure, humidity into electrical signals using sensors. These signals can either be analog or digital.  We use monitoring devices such as panels or LCDs to make analog and digital signals visually readable so that they become meaningful to us.  We measure physical magnitudes (amounts) in two fashions: Analog Digital  When magnitudes are transformed into electrical domain (current or potential), they are called SIGNALS.  We use Analog and Digital signals to process and to transfer energy, information and other magnitudes that can be represented in signals for our daily life and applications  We can convert physical magnitudes like temperature, pressure, humidity into electrical signals using sensors. These signals can either be analog or digital.  We use monitoring devices such as panels or LCDs to make analog and digital signals visually readable so that they become meaningful to us.

4 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 4

5 5  A signal that have continuous form and can take infinite number of values between specified limits is called analog.  All natural incidents are analog such as temperature, wind, humid, speed and so on.  Analog signals are especially used in measurements and calibration purposes

6 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 6 Analog Processing amplificatory filter radio InputOutput Analog SignalAnalog SystemAnalog Panel

7 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 7  A signal that have discreet (interrupted, intermittent) form and can take limited number of values between specified boundary is called digital.  Digital signals can be found mainly in electronic devices or in the objects involving electronic units. However, digital signals can also be created in magnetic, mechanical or pneumatic systems.  Digital signals do not have to be binary form, i.e true-false or on-off. They can be a bank account (because it can be limited by pence, no half pence available), the number of students in a class, or the number of letters in a alphabet.

8 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 8 Digital Processing computing digital filter InputOutput Digital SignalsDigital SystemDigital Panel

9 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 9  Digitals signals can be represented positive or negative logic. The table below is organized in respect to positive logic. In negative logic all data must be exchanged 1/TRUE/HIGH0/FALSE/LOW 5v or -5v0v Switch ONSwitch OFF YESNO There is a signalNo Signal Transistor is ONTransitor is OFF

10 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 10

11 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 11 Digital systems can be divided into three structures :  Combinational Logic Systems : No memory, Decoder, Logic Gates  Sequential Logic Systems : Counter, Shifter, Memory  Storage Systems: Memory only

12 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 12 We can also divide digital systems into two groups :  Synchronous Logic Systems (No clock)  Asynchronous Logic Systems (with clock)

13 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 13 We can also divide electronic systems into three categories :  Analog Systems  Digital Systems  Hybrid Systems

14 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 14  The design of digital systems is simpler and more straightforward  Data storing is easy and the levels of TRUE and FALSE voltage is not critical  The level of circuit cascading is much deeper in digital systems  Digital systems can be programmed without difficulty  Digital systems are robust to noise  Digital units and components can be manufactured in Nano-scale, so smaller board space needed.

15 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 15  Digital systems use minimal number of values (for example, 1 or 0 in most cases) so the computation and calculation circuits are simpler  Debugging procedures are simpler in digital systems  Since digital systems can be manufactured in Nano-scale, the energy consumption can be kept at minimum. 

16 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 16  Both analog and digital signals can be converted into each other mutually

17 He/She can define the term of analog and digital terms 17  Why we have still analog systems?  What is actuator and what is the relationship between sensor and actuator?  How to store analog data, give examples?  How to code and decode analog data?  How to recover analog data?  Which physical magnitudes cannot be presented as analog or digital signals?

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