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Welcome to Friday Coffee Mornings! 5 th December 2014 Spelling Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Friday Coffee Mornings! 5 th December 2014 Spelling Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Friday Coffee Mornings! 5 th December 2014 Spelling Strategies

2 Big new course – MOTHERS MATTER Improve language skills 2 sessions a week at school Starts in January Creche available See me today!

3 Parent Ambassador Training 2 parents needed to train as ambassadors to involve, inspire, support and strengthen links between families/communities and schools 24 hours training (8x3) Starts January Financial incentive

4 Spelling does matter If you want to create a good impression in your writing and make sure you get your meaning across clearly, it’s important to get your spelling right.

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6 Why is spelling so hard for children? There are 26 letters of the alphabet but 44 sounds to learn the letter correspondences for There are different ways to spell the same sound.

7 For example the “ee” sound eesee eameat ymummy eykey iefield

8 Why is spelling so hard for children? There are lots of spelling rules but there are always exceptions

9 The i before e rule i before e except after c tie ceiling science ancient foreign weird

10 Why is spelling so hard for children? There are words in the English language called homophones – they sound the same but are spelt differently

11 For example totootwo hearhere wonone knightnight blueblew seesea

12 The only way to really know a spelling is to be able to see it in your head and know if it looks wrong. So how can we really help our children?

13 Some strategies you can use at home to help your children Practice does make perfect when it comes to spellings Spellings do need to be corrected once your children can write confidently. Keen readers often spell very well as they can visualise the word Have a dictionary at home Use a spell checker Try the following memory strategies…


15 Break up these words into syllables different spelling


17 What are the base words for these sets of words? moving moved unmoveable runny running runner opened unopened opening hopeful hoped hoping


19 Can you use analogy to find other words spelt like these? night rain


21 Can you come up with a mnemonic for Because Big elephants can’t always use small exits

22 A good technique

23 Computer resources for children to practice and improve spellings

24 Other great spelling games Hangman Boggle Scrabble Bananagrams All available on apps

25 Improve your spelling too!

26 MqH7CU In the USA spelling is a national sport

27 Next Week End of term Quiz! With prizes! Mr Flathers is coming

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