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Jamestown. Jamestown Established in 1607 Virginia Company Charter – A document issued by a government that grants specific rights to a person or company.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown. Jamestown Established in 1607 Virginia Company Charter – A document issued by a government that grants specific rights to a person or company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown

2 Jamestown Established in 1607 Virginia Company Charter – A document issued by a government that grants specific rights to a person or company.

3 Jamestown-Why Established ◦Gold and Silver ◦Trading furs w/ the Natives ◦Raw materials like lumber ◦Set up silk production

4 Jamestown-Initial Problems Located near a swamp…MALARIA! Unwilling to work hard

5 Should the Natives help….or not? On your own Read your essay TTYPA Discuss the reasons the essay gives for either helping the Europeans or turning them away. As a class Argue from the perspective of the essay you read, using specific text examples.

6 Jamestown-John Smith Sent over to straighten up the colony “He who works not, eats not” Raids local Native villages

7 Jamestown-Prospers Free Land New Leaders Tobacco

8 Jamestown-Government Representative government – a form of government in which voter elect people to make laws for them. House of Burgesses ◦Pass laws ◦Set taxes ◦Starts representative governments

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