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 Sir Walter Raleigh – 1585 – set up a colony of 108 people on Roanoke – an island off the coast of North Carolina  Problems: A. Arrived to late to plant.

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Presentation on theme: " Sir Walter Raleigh – 1585 – set up a colony of 108 people on Roanoke – an island off the coast of North Carolina  Problems: A. Arrived to late to plant."— Presentation transcript:


2  Sir Walter Raleigh – 1585 – set up a colony of 108 people on Roanoke – an island off the coast of North Carolina  Problems: A. Arrived to late to plant crops B. Colonists upset local Indians C. Went home in 1586

3  Tried again in 1587  A. This time women and children came over  Their leader, John White, had to return to England for more supplies and was gone for three years  When he returned, the colony had vanished  Still remains a mystery today

4  Jamestown (located in Virginia)  20 years after the Roanoke Colony  Investors raised money to fund a settlement in the New World called it a joint stock company – a company in which a number of people purchase ownership of the company  King James I granted them a charter for land

5  1. 1607 – arrived in Virginia with 105 men and boys  2. Built a small post on the James River  3. Did not get off to a good start  A. the men spent most of their time looking for gold  Malaria (disease spread by mosquitoes) infected many  During the first year more than half of the settlers died

6  Imposed strict discipline  If you did not work, you did not eat

7  In 1609, Smith had to return to England  The winter was very harsh  They ate….

8  John Rolfe learned how to grow a better tobacco plant in Jamestown  Tobacco became a cash crop – a product that can be grown in quantity and sold at a profit  They began to grow tobacco everywhere – sold it back to England for a profit

9  Made up of elected representatives to make decisions – first one in the New World  Gave the colonists a voice in the government

10 The Puritans (Pilgrims)

11  Wanted to “purify” the Church of England by getting rid of ALL Catholic practices  Those Puritans that wanted to completely separate from the Church of England were called Separatists

12  They were persecuted during the reigns of James I and Charles I  So they left to go to the Netherlands (Holland) (Dutch)  However, their children were becoming more Dutch than English and the Puritans did not like this  They asked the Virginia Company for a charter of land in the New World

13  They left England in September 1620 in the Mayflower  Went through stormy weather most of the trip  Landed far north of Virginia in Massachusetts  Reasons:  a. storm blew them off course  b. wanted a piece of land all to themselves

14  Before they left the ship, they signed the Mayflower Compact  This document formed their government

15  During the first several months, half of the colonists died  Local Indians showed them how to hunt, fish and farm – Squanto and Massosoit

16  When the Puritans had their first harvest, they invited the Indians for a feast  More Indians came than expected, so the Indians had to supply most of the food  The feast lasted for three days

17  Puritans came to North America for religious freedom!!

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