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Minerals and their characteristics. Physical Properties of Minerals Color: the color a mineral appears to the eye –Not effective in few minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals and their characteristics. Physical Properties of Minerals Color: the color a mineral appears to the eye –Not effective in few minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals and their characteristics

2 Physical Properties of Minerals Color: the color a mineral appears to the eye –Not effective in few minerals because … –Some are similar in color. –Others can have their color changed. –Some come in multiple colors. Streak: the color of a mineral in its powered form. –More effective than color

3 Physical Properties of Minerals LUSTER: the way a mineral reflects light. –Metallic Luster: shining like polished metal. (Ex: Pyrite, Galena, Hematite, Magnetite) –Non-metallic Luster: shining like polished glass, silk, wax, or any other shiny non-metal. (Ex: Diamond, Quartz, Opal.) –A mineral that does not reflect light is said to have an “earthy” luster.

4 Other acceptable adjectives for luster: –A–Adamantine (most lusterous, like diamond) –V–Vitreous (glassy) –D–Dull –G–Greasy –R–Resinous –P–Pearlescent –A–Adventurine (glittery) These terms are often combined (viterous greasy) Physical Properties of Minerals

5 Hardness: a mineral’s resistance to being scratched. Moh’s Hardness Scale: The hardness of minerals relative to each other/scratching implements. –The scale is from 1-10, with 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest.

6 Physical Properties of Minerals Moh’s Scale MineralTools 1Talc Fingernail (2.5) 2Gypsum 3Calcite Steel Nail (4.5) (Avoid the point) 4Fluorite 5Apatite Glass (5.5) 6Feldspar 7Quartz Streak Plate (5-8) 8Topaz 9Corundum 10Diamond

7 Physical Properties of Minerals Cleavage the tendency of a mineral to split along a certain plane or planes. described in numbers of planes and angles of intersection.


9 Fracture when minerals don’t break along typical cleavage planes. EXAMPLES: Conchoidal: shell-like and smooth Hackly: rough, jagged edges Fibrous: breaks into strands

10 Special Properties of Minerals Texture Taste Smell Magnetic

11 Special Properties of Minerals Density: The amount of water it displaces. (Crystals with a metallic luster are generally denser.) Phosphorescence: Does it glow under black light? (Fluorite) Effervesces: Reacts by bubbling when exposed to acid (calcite, dolomite)

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