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GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Every Breath You Take: Health and Air.

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Presentation on theme: "GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Every Breath You Take: Health and Air."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Every Breath You Take: Health and Air

2 Program: Georgia’s Air Pollution: Are the Health Risks important? --- W. Gerald Teague, MD The Atlanta Aerosol --- Rodney Weber, PhD Traffic-Related Airway Inflammation in Asthma --- Fernando Holguin, MD The Oxidizing Effects of Inhaled Particles --- Roby Greenwald, PhD Interactive Discussion with Speakers GEORGIA Air Quality Summit

3 Georgia’s Air Pollution: Are the Health Risks Important? GEORGIA Air Quality Summit W. Gerald Teague, MD Southeast Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit at Emory University

4 GEORGIA Air Quality Summit case presentation KB is a 10 y/o with life-long severe asthma, dependent on oral corticosteroids for several years. Two days before presentation he had a cold and complained of chest tightness, cough, and increased wheeze. He saw his doctor who increased his asthma medication. Two days later, while waiting in line to board the school bus, KB became cyanotic, and collapsed.

5 In Memory of: Kellen February 9, 1990 - January 11, 2000 “Not One More Life” GEORGIA Air Quality Summit

6 Ozone Exposure and Asthma: Summer in Atlanta GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Average Number of Asthma Visits Per Day Friedman et al, JAMA 2001; 285:897

7 So lets have an Olympics and take MARTA instead! GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Friedman et al, JAMA 2001; 285:897 Trips per day

8 Pre-Olympics (baseline period) Olympic Period Post-Olympics (baseline period) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 OzonePM10CONO2SO2 % of EPA Air Quality Standard Atlanta’s Air Gets the Gold during the 1996 Olympic Games GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Friedman et al, JAMA 2001; 285:897

9 GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Mean Daily Number of Events Friedman et al, JAMA 2001; 285:897 City-wide Reduction in Asthma Morbidity during the 1996 Olympics

10 Airway Acidification in Athletes Training Outdoors in Conyers GEORGIA Air Quality Summit Ferdinand et al, Proc Respir Crit Care Med; 2006

11 Old and Young Young children whose lungs are developing, and seniors and people with chronic disorders of the lungs and heart are more sensitive. Sensitive Individuals Individuals with asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, and known cardiac conditions should take extra precautions during air pollution episodes. Healthy People Everyone who works outside or engages in vigorous outdoor exercise for prolonged periods during smog episodes is at increased risk of experiencing adverse health effects caused by smog. Dose = (Pollutant Concentration) X (Breathing Rate) X (Time Engaged in Activity) Increasing Number Of People Affected Increasing Susceptibility Who Is At Greatest Risk?

12 Georgia’s Air Pollution is an Important Health Risk: diminished lung growth in high ozone regions exacerbations of lung disease increased heart attacks and stroke GEORGIA Air Quality Summit

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