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ELECTRIC DRIVES INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRIC DRIVES. Electrical Drives Drives are systems employed for motion control Require prime movers Drives that employ.

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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRIC DRIVES INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRIC DRIVES. Electrical Drives Drives are systems employed for motion control Require prime movers Drives that employ."— Presentation transcript:


2 Electrical Drives Drives are systems employed for motion control Require prime movers Drives that employ electric motors as prime movers are known as Electrical Drives

3 Electrical Drives About 50% of electrical energy used for drives Can be either used for fixed speed or variable speed 75% - constant speed, 25% variable speed (expanding)

4 CONTENT Power electronic system Modern electric drives Power electronic converter in electric drives


6 Modern electric drives (With power electronic converters) Small Efficient Flexible


8 Components in electric drives Motors DC motors - permanent magnet – wound field AC motors – induction, synchronous (IPMSM, SMPSM), brushless DC Applications, cost, environment Natural speed-torque characteristic is not compatible with load requirements Power sources DC – batteries, fuel cell, photovoltaic - unregulated AC – Single- three- phase utility, wind generator - unregulated Power processor To provide a regulated power supply Combination of power electronic converters More efficient Flexible Compact AC-DC DC-DC DC-AC AC-AC

9 Components in electric drives Control unit Complexity depends on performance requirement analog- noisy, inflexible, ideally has infinite bandwidth. digital – immune to noise, configurable, bandwidth is smaller than the analog controller’s DSP/microprocessor – flexible, lower bandwidth - DSPs perform faster operation than microprocessors (multiplication in single cycle), can perform complex estimations Electrical isolation between control circuit and power circuit is needed: Malfuction in power circuit may damage control circuit Safety for the operator Avoid conduction of harmonic to control circuit

10 Components in electric drives Sensors Sensors (voltage, current, speed or torque) is normally required for closed-loop operation or protection Electrical isolation between sensors and control circuit is needed for the reasons previously explained The term ‘sensorless drives’ is normally referred to the drive system where the speed is estimated rather than measured.

11 Overview of AC and DC drives DC motors: Regular maintenance, heavy, expensive, speed limit Easy control, decouple control of torque and flux AC motors: Less maintenance, light, less expensive, high speed Coupling between torque and flux – variable spatial angle between rotor and stator flux


13 Torque-speed quadrant of operation  T 1 2 34 T +ve  +ve P m +ve T -ve  +ve P m -ve T -ve  -ve P m +ve T +ve  -ve P m -ve Quadrant of operation is defined by the speed and torque of the motor Most rotating electrical machines can operate in 4 quadrants Not all converters can operate in 4 quadrants

14 Torque-speed quadrant of operation  T TeTe mm TeTe TeTe TeTe mm mm mm Quadrant of operation is defined by the speed and torque of the motor Most rotating electrical machines can operate in 4 quadrants Not all converters can operate in 4 quadrants Quadrant 1 Forward motoring Quadrant 2 Forward braking Quadrant 3 Reverse motoring Quadrant 4 Reverse braking



17 Load steady state torque-speed characteristic Hoist drive Speed Torque Gravitational torque


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