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Short-session Static and Kinematic Processing Short-session static: GAMIT processing, sessions 1-3 hours long Kinematic: TRACK processing, coordinates.

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Presentation on theme: "Short-session Static and Kinematic Processing Short-session static: GAMIT processing, sessions 1-3 hours long Kinematic: TRACK processing, coordinates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short-session Static and Kinematic Processing Short-session static: GAMIT processing, sessions 1-3 hours long Kinematic: TRACK processing, coordinates estimated at each epoch; one or more sites may be moving High frequency multipath and sometimes atmospheric errors dominate and fail to average Shorter satellite tracks mean less time to separate the signatures in the data, leading to higher correlations and thus higher uncertainties in coordinates and ambiguity parameters Less averaging of noise and higher geometric uncertainties make ambiguity resolution more difficult; when it fails with short tracks, the uncertainties become much larger

2 A 2-hr session between 12:00 and 16:00 (left plot) would be much more likely to resolve ambiguities than a 2-hr session between 20:00 an 24:00 (right plot) Results may vary significantly with time of day

3 Continuous network in Italy used to test the effect of session length and network configurationon coordinate repeatabilities  Test site is PRAT Firuzabadi and King (2011)

4 Time series for 2-hr sessions with 4 reference sites. Note large sigmas on day 61 and outliers on days 62 and 63; with these removed the rms is 2 mm horizontal and 7 mm vertical

5 Precision vs Session Length for Network Processing Bars show repeatability in position over 31 days of test site with respect to networks of 2 to 16 sites spanning 180-600 km. With at least 4 reference stations, outliers were less than 5% for sessions of 2 hrs or more.

6 Precision vs Session Length for Single Baselines Bars show repeatability in position over 31 days of a test site with respect to each of 7 sites 26-585 km away in single-baseline processing. 10% of the 1- and 2-hr sessions had large uncertainties and were omitted. 1-hr results degrade significantly for baselines longer than 100 km

7 Cerca del Cielo earthflow, Ponce, Puerto Rico 10 GPS monuments (including one continuous) on the landslide, and 2 reference monuments outside Steady-state flow 0.5 - 2.0 mm/d Maximum ~ 100 mm/d From G. Wang, 2010

8 Time series of bi-weekly GPS surveys Mar-Dec 2008 20-minute occupations GPS 07 and 13 near the head scarp GK03 and GP18 mid- slope From G. Wang, 2010

9 Time series of hourly and daily positions over 10 days

10 GAMIT Settings for Sessions < 3 Hours Consider using 15s sampling Run sh_gamit with the –sesinfo option specifying the start time, sampling interval, and number of epochs If more than one session per day, run sh_gamit with the –netext option, using a different letter for each session Don’t decimate the preliminary or final solutions Decimation factor = 1 Quick-pre decimation factor = 1

11 Kinematic GPS The style of GPS data collection and processing suggests that one or more GPS stations is moving (e.g., car, aircraft). The moving stations are kept stationary at the beginning and/or end of the track to resolve ambiguities; then phase lock is maintained (as best as possible) through the track To obtain good results for positioning as a function of time it helps if the ambiguities can be fixed to integer values. Although with the “back smooth” option in track this is not so critical. Program ‘track’ is the MIT implementation of this type of processing Unlike many kinematic processors,track pre-reads all data before processing. (But there is a real-time version, trackRT.)

12 General aspects The success of kinematic processing depends on separation of sites There are one or more static base stations and the moving receivers are positioned relative to these. For separations < 10 km, usually easy 10>100 km more difficult but often successful >100 km very mixed results depending on quality of data collected. (Seismological example results are from 400km baselines.)

13 Track features Track uses the Melbourne-Wubbena Wide Lane to resolve L1-L2 and then a combination of techniques to determine L1 and L2 cycles separately. “Bias flags” are added at times of cycle slips and the ambiguity resolution tries to resolve these to integer values. Track uses floating point estimate with LC, MW-WL and ionospheric delay constraints to determine the integer biases and the reliability with which they are determined. Kalman filter smoothing can be used. (Non-resolved ambiguity parameters are constant, and atmospheric delays are consistent with process noise). When atmospheric delays are estimated, the smoothing option should always be used.

14 Basic input Track runs using a command file The base inputs needed are: Obs_file specifies names of rinex data files. Sites can be K kinematic or F fixed Nav_file orbit file either broadcast ephemeris file or sp3 file Mode air/short/long -- Mode command is not strictly needed but it sets defaults for variety of situations

15 Some results Moving vehicle used for gravity measurments: 5-second sampling with stop and go GPS seismology: 1 HZ tracking of earthquake surface wave arrivals

16 Track of Map-view track of vehicle motion over 8 km

17 Vehicle height vs time

18 Zoom of height just before power failure

19 Surface waves from the December, 2000, M 6 San Simeon, Calliforna earthquake 1 Hz sampling

20 Detail around arrival time. Descriptiion and data on web site.

21 Summary Under favorable conditions and especially for short inter-site distances, both short-session static and kinematic processing can produce excellent results Use of more than a single reference site improves reliability TRACK’s forward-backward filtering improves reliablity of non-real-time kinematic tracking -- BUT there is now a real-time version (trackRT) available

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