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By: Travis O’Hara, Caleb Lowe, Ruslan Muradov & Mariah Bolla.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Travis O’Hara, Caleb Lowe, Ruslan Muradov & Mariah Bolla."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Travis O’Hara, Caleb Lowe, Ruslan Muradov & Mariah Bolla

2 About Precipitation In warm areas, the precipitation is mostly rain. In colder areas, the precipitation is snow or ice rain. The five most common type of Precipitation is rain, snow, hail, freezing rain, and sleet.

3 Rain Rain is the most common type of precipitation. The size of a rain drop is about 0.5mm in diameter. Rain could be smaller drops called mist and drizzle.

4 Sleet Sleet is precipitation that falls through a layer of 32°F or 0°C, the freezing point of water. As the water falls it turns in to ice. The ice is 5mm or less in diameter.

5 Freezing rain Freezing rain is when precipitation falls though a layer of cold air near the ground and it does not freeze. The rain freezes when it hits a something cold. It may break tree branches and/or even take down a power line.

6 Hail Hail is round pellets of ice larger then 5mm in diameter. Hail is formed in cumulonimbus clouds during t thunderstorm. starts as sleet it turn in to a hailstone every layer of 32°F or 0°C air it goes through. Soon it will fall to the ground. It can damage crops, buildings, and vehicles.

7 Snow Snow is water vapor that turns in to crystals called snow. Snowflakes are all different shapes, sizes, and the all have six sides or six branches Snow flakes clump together and to have six sides.

8 The way to measure rainfall The way to measure rainfall is a rain gauge. A rain gauge is an open ended can or tube that collects rainfall. The rain is measured by putting a rule n to the water.

9 Cloud seeding Cloud seeding is tiny ice crystals of dry ice and iodide. It’s spread by an airplane or a jet. Water vapor condenses on to the silver iodide. The dry ice freezes the water faster so it will fall to the ground faster.

10 Key term #1 Precipitation: Falling products of condensation in the atmosphere; rain, snow, hail, and etc.

11 Key term #2 Rain gauge: an opened ended can or a tube that collects rainfall.

12 Key term #3 Drought: Long dry periods with little or no rain.


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