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National Broadband Plan American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – FCC to analyze the most effective way to assure access to all; develop a strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "National Broadband Plan American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – FCC to analyze the most effective way to assure access to all; develop a strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Broadband Plan American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – FCC to analyze the most effective way to assure access to all; develop a strategy for achieving affordability and maximum utilization; evaluate the status of deployment; develop a plan for broadband use Plan to reflect strengths – Innovation – Inclusion

2 Policies and actions recommended in the plan in three categories – Redirect assets that government controls in order to spur investment – Foster innovation and competition – Optimize the use of broadband to achieve national priorities

3 Goals Four categories of recommendations – Design policies to ensure robust competition – Ensure efficient allocation and management of assets under government control – Reform universal service mechanisms – Reform laws, policies and incentives to maximize the benefits of broadband in sectors government influences

4 Goals 1: at least 100 million US homes to have affordable access to actual download speeds of at lest 100 megabits per second and actual upload speeds of at least 50 by 2020 2: US to lead the world in mobile innovation with fastest and most extensive wireless network of any nation 3: Every American should have affordable access and the means and skills to subscribe 4: Every American community should have affordable access to at least 1 gigabit per second service to anchor institutions 5: Every first responder should have access to a nationwide wireless broadband public safety network 6: Every American should be able to use broadband to track and manage their real-time energy consumption.

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