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H OW TO WRITE A D ESCRIPTIVE ESSAY 10 th -12 th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "H OW TO WRITE A D ESCRIPTIVE ESSAY 10 th -12 th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 H OW TO WRITE A D ESCRIPTIVE ESSAY 10 th -12 th grade

2 Look carefully at the writing assignment. For example: Describe a successful person First : always describe the person. Second : look at your question. What will be the second step in the example above

3 That’s Right! To describe that person’s success as well! You must pay close attention to the question!

4 B RAIN STORMING : Think of the person you want to describe and then write down everything that comes to mind connected to him/her

5 FOR EXAMPLE: My mother a teacher sense of humor sensitivefriendly

6 F IRST PARAGRAPH : Your first paragraph is the opening in which you introduce the person you chose and explain your choice

7 S ECOND PARAGRAPH In the second paragraph use your brainstorming to describe the person physical appearance, personality, attitudes, behavior interests, hobbies, profession, etc.

8 T HIRD PARAGRAPH : In this paragraph you follow the instructions of the specific question. Thus, our previous example instructs us to describe the person’s success. We do it here!

9 FOURTH PARAGRAPH This is your closing paragraph: express your personal attitude towards the person. How you feel about him/her, how he/she has influenced you, etc.

10 O PENING VS CLOSING o Tells the reader what is the essay about. o Introduces the person that is going to be described o Presents the writer’s choice o Gives a summary of the essay o Presents the writer’s attitude towards the person o Relates to that person’s influence on the writer Opening paragraphClosing paragraph

11 B EFORE HANDING IN YOUR ESSAY : Make sure that you don’t have any spelling or grammar mistakes


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