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Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon.

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Presentation on theme: "Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE

2 Amalia Fleming (1912-1986) The Hellenic Association of University Women (SEE) was founded in 1924. SEE is an historic, non-governmental, non-profit, women organization. It is famous, among the Greek public, for its struggles for the equality between men and women and for the revision of the Greek Family Law (1980’s). During these years, Women with worldwide recognition have been presidents of the association, like the member of Greek parliament and researcher Amalia Fleming, Niki Goulandri who was elected in 1991 Woman of Europe and the member of the European parliament Popi Nikolaou.

3 SEE aims to: Contribute in the abolition of all unfavourable discrimination against women. Contribute in the abolition of all unfavourable discrimination against women. Create and ensure the proper conditions for the development of the scientific ground and the rise of the professional and scientific level of the University women. Create and ensure the proper conditions for the development of the scientific ground and the rise of the professional and scientific level of the University women. Develop a sense of social responsibility among University women, so that they offer their education and professionalism for the rise, mutual assistance and co- operation of all Greek women. Develop a sense of social responsibility among University women, so that they offer their education and professionalism for the rise, mutual assistance and co- operation of all Greek women. Fight off illiteracy, readjust education and learning according to the contemporary socio-economic conditions, and protect the children. Fight off illiteracy, readjust education and learning according to the contemporary socio-economic conditions, and protect the children. Defend democracy, national independence, peace, and citizens’ rights. Defend democracy, national independence, peace, and citizens’ rights.

4 For the implementation of its aims, SEE: Sets up special committees for the study of women’s problems, as well as scientific issues. Sets up special committees for the study of women’s problems, as well as scientific issues. Organises lectures, public events, exhibitions, conferences, etc. Organises lectures, public events, exhibitions, conferences, etc. Publishes a journal, books, and other information material. Publishes a journal, books, and other information material. Co-operates with the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) and other national and international organisations, dealing with similar issues. Co-operates with the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) and other national and international organisations, dealing with similar issues. Participates in the network “PERIKTIONI”, a network supported by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology, aiming to encourage the participation of Greek women in natural sciences, engineering and technology. Participates in the network “PERIKTIONI”, a network supported by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology, aiming to encourage the participation of Greek women in natural sciences, engineering and technology. Encourages community awareness on employment opportunities for University women and mainly of young women in traditionally male dominated professions. Encourages community awareness on employment opportunities for University women and mainly of young women in traditionally male dominated professions. Promotes activities of University women beyond their professional sphere (i.e. artistic creation, cultural activities and improvement of quality of life in general). Promotes activities of University women beyond their professional sphere (i.e. artistic creation, cultural activities and improvement of quality of life in general).

5 Projects in which SEE has taken part: Information for a choice: empowering young women through learning for technical professions and science careers- IFAC, European Commission, 6th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, 2006-2008 Creating New Professional Opportunities for Highly Qualified Women through Information and Training in the Fields of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH), and Environmental & Quality Management – SHE. EU Initiative NOW (New Opportunities for Women - NOW), Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Contract Number 18618/31.12.1997 Women in Single Parent Family Women in Single Parent Family Call for proposals VS/2001/0741, European Commission - DG of Social Affairs, Contract Number SI2.330732 Revocation of barriers and discriminations in labour market for women technicians – BRIDGE Revocation of barriers and discriminations in labour market for women technicians – BRIDGE EU Initiative EQUAL, Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Contract Number 180766/25.05.2002 Integrated interventions in favor of women: “Equal choices – Equal opportunities” Integrated interventions in favor of women: “Equal choices – Equal opportunities” Operational Program "Employment and Professional Training", Greek General Secretariat of Equal Opportunities, Contract Number DIOIK/F.100/9/870/16.01.2004

6 Members Members Every Greek woman, who holds a University degree from a Greek or an equivalent foreign university, can apply for SEE membership. Every Greek woman, who holds a University degree from a Greek or an equivalent foreign university, can apply for SEE membership. SEE has the great honor to include among its members famous Greek women scientists, members of the Greek Parliament and Government, Academic and Research Community. SEE has the great honor to include among its members famous Greek women scientists, members of the Greek Parliament and Government, Academic and Research Community. Today, SEE has more than 500 members, mainly in Athens. Financial recourses Financial recourses SEE is financed by its members’ subscriptions, donations and European and National Programmes.

7 Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE Hellenic Association of University Women Syndesmos Ellinidon Epistimonon - SEE Thank you for your attention!

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