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Optimizing Live Migration of Virtual Machines across Wide Area Networks using Integrated Replication and Scheduling Sumit Kumar Bose, Unisys Scott Brock,

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Presentation on theme: "Optimizing Live Migration of Virtual Machines across Wide Area Networks using Integrated Replication and Scheduling Sumit Kumar Bose, Unisys Scott Brock,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimizing Live Migration of Virtual Machines across Wide Area Networks using Integrated Replication and Scheduling Sumit Kumar Bose, Unisys Scott Brock, Unisys Ronald Leaton Skeoch, Unisys Nisaruddin Shaikh, Unisys Shrisha Rao, IIIT-Bangalore

2 Agenda  Motivation and Problem Addressed  Proposed Solution  Experimental Results  Conclusion

3 Motivation and Problem Addressed Migration LatencyVM Size Threshold

4 Proposed Solution – CloudSpider

5 Proposed Solution Hiber-waking vs Migration Migration LatencyVM Size Threshold

6 Contd… Integrated replication and scheduling of VMs. –Selectively choose appropriate clouds for VM replication –Using past cost history However, blindly replicating VM images leads to increased storage requirements. Reduce overall storage requirements due to VM image replication by exploiting commonality across different VM images using de-duplication. –Past studies show that different VM images have significant common content due to common substrates (OS, web-servers etc).

7 Contd… VM 1 and VM 2 images share significant similarity. VM 1 VM 2 Storage cost shoots up!!!!

8 Contd… Exploit de-duplication to reduce storage cost VM 1 VM 2 Trade-off between storage cost and operational cost

9 Contd… The research questions that arise in such contexts are to determine the –List of eligible sites for different VM images (Replication phase) –Placement of the replicas at different cloud sites (Replication phase) –Primary copy from among the replicas of a VM image (Scheduling phase) Our primary focus is to develop efficient replication strategies for questions (i) and (ii) using our integrated VM replication and scheduling architecture

10 Algorithm

11 Experiments We implemented the replication strategy using Java. We extended the open-source CloudSim toolkit and incorporated the replication module in it. We experimented extensively and simulated different scenarios using the CloudSim toolkit To evaluate the performance of the CloudSpider algorithm we implemented the following naïve strategies: –RandomMax –RandomMin –MaxReplica –MinReplica.

12 Contd… –RandomMax and RandomMin strategies randomly select sites from the eligible list of a VM image for placing the replicas. –MaxReplica and MinReplica strategies select the first few sites from the eligible list of VM for creating the replicas. Performance criteria: The average (over 100 simulation iterations) of total storage consumed by all the replicas belonging to all the VM images.

13 Contd… Subsequent tables show the variation in the average storage requirement by the different strategies when the following parameters is varied: –number of data-centers –number of VM images –file size –latency threshold –savings threshold.

14 Contd… Storage requirements with 10 VM images and image size is 1 MB and latency threshold = 0.99 & savings threshold = 0.25

15 Contd… Storage requirements with 20 VM images and image size is 1 MB and latency threshold = 0.99 & savings threshold = 0.25

16 Contd… Storage requirements for RandomMax when different parameters to the problem are varied

17 Contd… Storage requirements for RandomMin when different parameters to the problem are varied

18 Contd… Storage requirements for MaxReplica when different parameters to the problem are varied

19 Contd… Storage requirements for MinReplica when different parameters to the problem are varied

20 Contd… Storage requirements for CloudSpider when different parameters to the problem are varied Results: Cloudspider shows significant reduction in cost of storage requirement

21 Conclusion To overcome migration latencies associated with moving large sized files over the low-bandwidth networks, we propose to combine VM replication with VM scheduling. We compensate the additional storage requirement due to the increase in the number of replicas by exploring commonalities across different VM images using de- duplication techniques. The proposed architecture for integrated replication and scheduling – CloudSpider – is promising.

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