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Today’s Topics Civil Rights Laws Equal Employment Affirmative Action Your Role –Educator, CED, Support Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Topics Civil Rights Laws Equal Employment Affirmative Action Your Role –Educator, CED, Support Staff."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s Topics Civil Rights Laws Equal Employment Affirmative Action Your Role –Educator, CED, Support Staff

3 OCES Commitment Committed to Full Compliance With: –Civil Rights Laws – the spirit and intent –Equal Employment Opportunity –Affirmative Action Required by Law It is the right thing to do!

4 Overview of CR Laws Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI, VII Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Age Discrimination Act of 1967 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 503 and 504 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

5 Equal Employment Opportunity Right to be judged on basis of relevant education, training, skills, experience and performance.

6 Affirmative Action Extra efforts to counteract past and present discrimination in employment and program delivery. Women, Blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Veterans, Disabilities

7 Commitment to Inclusion of All Persons! We are not required to change standards of selection or performance. Extension provides assistance only to those organizations that do no exclude any person from membership. Notify organizations every 2 years concerning regulations related to non- discriminatory practices.


9 Non-discrimination Employment –Also includes professional development or training opportunities Programs


11 Programming “All reasonable efforts” to identify and reach underserved groups – mass media, personal visits, newsletters, etc. Determine potential audience

12 It’s a continual team effort to document and maintain files

13 CED Responsibilities Follow laws Educate staff Encourage staff involvement – team effort succeeds Plan ahead Respond, be pro-active Document, document, document Compliance reviews

14 Documentation Civil Rights Files – Required items Non-discrimination Statement –Paid Announcements – must include –Articles –weave into text –Flyers – must include

15 Public Notification Take action to keep all eligible program recipients informed –Announcements/Publications –Photographs –Attendees –Organizations –Contacts –“... And Justice For All” posters

16 Recruitment and Hiring Position description Advertisement Review applications Interview Hire the best candidate New employee paperwork Follow-up with documentation

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