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Mr. Toth 11/16/09.  Pronounce Clearly  Be Succinct  Use a Pleasant Voice  Engage the Listener  Adjust your Volume  Adjust your Tone  Vary your.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Toth 11/16/09.  Pronounce Clearly  Be Succinct  Use a Pleasant Voice  Engage the Listener  Adjust your Volume  Adjust your Tone  Vary your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Toth 11/16/09

2  Pronounce Clearly  Be Succinct  Use a Pleasant Voice  Engage the Listener  Adjust your Volume  Adjust your Tone  Vary your Pitch  Use Proper Grammar  Expand Your Vocabulary  Match Body Language to Comments

3  When you speak make sure each word can be understood by the listener.

4  When speaking make your point quickly and clearly.  People absorb, sort, and think about information in small chunks.  If your message is too fast, too long, too complicated, or lacks focus, then you will lose your audience.

5  You inherit the sound of your voice.  If you aren’t satisfied with the voice you have, you can change it a little but not completely.  Listen to yourself over and over on tape. Make notes about what you’d like to change.

6  Get the listener involved in what you are saying, and they will enjoy your presentation more.  Ask questions that will get the listeners to talk or discuss.  Give examples and ask listeners to suggest examples.  Learn a few names of people in your audience and use them occasionally.  Select participants to demonstrate or experiment.  Walk among the audience or lean toward the listener in conversation.

7  A common mistake that presenters make is that they fail to adjust their speech volume to the size of the area.  Be aware of the body language of your audience to tell if they can hear you or not.  Are they turning their heads to the side to catch the sound of your voice?

8  Be mindful of how you say things.  Does your “Good morning,” suggest fatigue, bad mood and stress or cheerfulness, alertness and eagerness?  Does your tone make the listener feel better or worse after leaving your company?

9  Raise or lower your voice pitch for emphasis.  Suit your pitch to the purpose.  Keep listeners attentive by varying pitch.  Check your pitch.

10  Poor grammar labels you.  It says you are uneducated or don’t care about being a professional.

11  Learning more words and using them in your everyday speech will make you appear smarter.  Read newspapers  Read magazines  Read bulletins  Read Signs  Read words on the Internet  Look up works you don’t know.  Listen for words on T.V. and radio  Taking command of your language is a smart career move.

12  Non-verbal and verbal communication must deliver the same message, or your listeners will be confused.  To make a strong point:  Maintain serious facial expression.  Use a louder and higher voice tone and pitch.  To amuse a listener:  Use exaggerated facial expressions.  Use bold arm and body movements.  To calm listeners.  Use very little facial expression.  Lower your voice  Speak slowly and move slowly.

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