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 Second largest continent  Second largest population  The name of Africa…  Afri people lived in North Africa  Afar meaning ‘dust’ (Phonician) 

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3  Second largest continent  Second largest population  The name of Africa…  Afri people lived in North Africa  Afar meaning ‘dust’ (Phonician)  Ifri meaning ‘cave’ (Berber)  Roman suffix ‘-ca’ meaning ‘land’  Aprica meaning ‘sunny’ (Latin)  Aphrike meaning ‘without cold’ (Greek)  Af-rui-ka meaning ‘turn toward the opening of the Ka’ (Egyptian)


5  Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea  Largest country is Gambia, smallest country is The Seaschelles (an archipelago off the east coast)  Tropical to sub-arctic climates, savannah plains, desert and jungle  Carnivores and Herbivores that range freely on the plains  Jungle and Aquatic creatures


7  Earliest inhabited continent  Origin of the human species  7 million years ago  Ape-like evolving into hominids, such as…  Australopithecus afarensis  ‘Lucy’  Earliest Homo sapiens found in  Ethiopia  200 000 years ago

8  Greeks and Romans  Alexander the Great  Alexandria in Egypt  Christianity spread from Palestine via Egypt  Islam also spread and Africa became the central hub for the religion

9  Before colonisation, approximately 10 000 different ‘tribes’ with a variety of systems of government  Hunter-gatherer groups like families  Clan groups  City-states  Migration from Arabia  Bedouins  Merging of cultures and life, resulting in unification under laws of Islam


11  The first nation to capture African people as slaves were the Arabs  They took 18 million to the east  Then Europeans took Africans to the west. These nations include…  Portuguese  Spanish  English  Dutch  Germans


13  Late 19 th century  Until after WWII  1951 Libya  1956 Tunisia and Morocco  1957 Ghana  1994 apartheid ended in which country?

14  53 independent and sovereign states  Political systems include…  Republic  Democracy  Military dictatorship  Between 1960 and 1990, Africa has had  More than 70 coups  13 Presidential assassinations  Ethnic conflicts are often used to remove and replace leaders


16  All African states except Morocco – why?  The AU official on 26 th June, 2001 in Addis Ababa  Pan-African Parliament now in Midrand, South Africa  African Commission for Human and People’s Rights still in Addis Ababa  Resources  Severely underdeveloped  Poorest continent  Why?

17  Ancient Egypt  Centred around the Nile River  Controlled irrigation = surplus crops = increased population  3150 BC when upper and lower unified under the first pharaoh (matrilineal linage)  Stable periods called kingdoms interspersed with instability, called intermediate periods  Invaded by the Roman Empire in 31BC  it became a province of that empire


19  Mathematics  Quarrying  Surveying and Construction  Pyramids, temples, obelisks, tombs  Art & Literature  Hieroglyphics, wall paintings, sculpture  Agriculture  Irrigation, agri. production techniques  Medicine


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