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Getting STOQ’d about HOTs Graphs. Prochlorococcus This is a photosynthesizing marine microbe – it uses light and CO 2 to produce glucose and oxygen. 50%

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Presentation on theme: "Getting STOQ’d about HOTs Graphs. Prochlorococcus This is a photosynthesizing marine microbe – it uses light and CO 2 to produce glucose and oxygen. 50%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting STOQ’d about HOTs Graphs

2 Prochlorococcus This is a photosynthesizing marine microbe – it uses light and CO 2 to produce glucose and oxygen. 50% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by these organisms! It is typically found in the photic zone of the water column where light can penetrate – This happens from surface – appx. 200m deep Image: SEM of Prochlorococcus MIT9215, pseudocolored Taken by: Anne Thompson

3 How We Observe: Technologies CTD – The CTD is lowered into the water. It takes measurements continuously as it moves vertically through the water column. Rosette – This device also moves vertically through the column. At different points in the water column, containers are programmed to collect water at specific depths for further analysis. Photo: Paul Lethaby

4 How We Observe: Technologies Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) – These vehicles are programmed to take continuous data as they move up and down in the water column. – They are also programmed to collect water at different points in the water column. – embedded&v=0d3KHbGqSMA embedded&v=0d3KHbGqSMA

5 Discussion points – Researching Ocean properties Temperature, Salinity, Pressure, Light – Way science is actually presented Combination of variables

6 Physical Properties of Oceans Got to the HOTs-DOGS website Choose: – Vertical Profile Display – CTD

7 Physical Properties of Oceans Enter a number between 200 and 238 in Cruise # Choose your x-axis and y-axis Check gridlines

8 dogs/public/hd208917.gif

9 Chemical Properties of Oceans Got to the HOTs-DOGS website Choose: – Vertical Profile Display – Bottle

10 Chemical Properties of Oceans Got to the HOTs-DOGS website Choose: – Vertical Profile Display – Bottle

11 ChemicalProperties of Oceans Enter a number between 200 and 238 in Cruise # Choose your x-axis and y-axis Check gridlines

12 dogs/public/hd569455.gif

13 STOQS Example


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