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We already Know… Let’s Review We already Know…  Antonyms: hotcold  Synonyms: cold chilly  Homophones: deer dear Words with opposite meanings Words.

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Presentation on theme: "We already Know… Let’s Review We already Know…  Antonyms: hotcold  Synonyms: cold chilly  Homophones: deer dear Words with opposite meanings Words."— Presentation transcript:




4 We already Know… Let’s Review We already Know…  Antonyms: hotcold  Synonyms: cold chilly  Homophones: deer dear Words with opposite meanings Words that mean the same Words that sound the same but have different meanings Let's play a game

5 Let’s learn a new kind of word!!! COMPOUND WORDS!!

6 What is a compound word? Compound words are single words that are made up from two other words. For example, the word "butterfly" is made from the two words "butter" and "fly".


8 Purpose Students need to learn about compound words so that they know how to read them when they find them in books and in print.

9 Why do we need to know about compound words? Compound words are EVERYWHERE!! Compound words are EVERYWHERE!! You can use compound words when you write! You can use compound words when you write! You see them when you read, which, in turn, makes you stronger readers. You see them when you read, which, in turn, makes you stronger readers.

10 Who likes? Pancakes? Did you know that pancakes is a compound word that originated in Europe. Many of the compound words that you are familiar with originated in other countries. Bullfights originated in Spain. Meatballs originated in Italy.

11 Let’s Practice!! paint butter lip wind gentle shield man cup brush stick

12 web/match/dragflip.asp?filename=kderitt ecompound

13 BINGO!!!!

14 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Click on link below and listen to the audiobook of “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” List as many compound words as you see Click below: m/watch?v=olO73t4kf9E

15 Raining cats and dogs Meatballs Rain Snow Pancakes Cats Dogs Fact or Fiction

16 New and Exciting Compound Words from the Book

17 Let’s Sum Up What is a compound word? How would you test a word in order to see if it is a compound word? What do you notice about compound words? What would happen if you couldn’t draw a picture for both words in a compound word? How can you recognize a compound word? What are some compound words that you found?

18 The Compound Boogie 2a/compound%20boogie.wmv Feel free to sing along

19 THE

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