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I NTEGRATION AND D IVERSITY IN E DUCATION IN E UROPE (IDEE) Open Society Institute Education Support Program.

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Presentation on theme: "I NTEGRATION AND D IVERSITY IN E DUCATION IN E UROPE (IDEE) Open Society Institute Education Support Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTEGRATION AND D IVERSITY IN E DUCATION IN E UROPE (IDEE) Open Society Institute Education Support Program

2 B ACKGROUND Based on results of an exploratory and mapping research project on Education for Migrant, Minority and Marginalised Children in Europe (EMMME) IDEE is a new 2-year initiative of OSI/ESP intended to link research, good practice at local level and advocacy at local, national and EU levels

3 OBJECTIVES To develop expertise on the ‘ground’; To accumulate and lift the experiences from a fragmented community level to a more coherent policy framework; To advocate for improved quality of education for migrant, minority and marginalised children

4 S OME KEY PRINCIPLES Evidence based approach (EMMME, TIES, EUMAP: Muslims in Europe, EDUMIGROM) Identifying examples of good practice and learning from what works –why? For whom? In which conditions and contexts? What are the key factors? Disseminating examples of good practice with some evaluation

5 K EY A CTIVITY A REAS Collaborative projects and public awareness campaigns in selected communities (local level) Campaigns for national strategies to promote integration and diversity in education (national level) Advocacy action at the European Union level...and research/evaluation of good practice.

6 C OMMUNITY S ELECTION Available background information and evidence from research (e.g. participation in the TIES, Muslims in Europe and/or other studies); Interesting initiative relevant to IDEE’s objectives; Innovative approaches to integration and diversity in education; Community with an internal energy and developed partnerships among school, community, local authority, NGOs; Active and organised migrant communities; Experienced organisation as a key partner for the selected community. Possibility for co-funding (OSI support –value added)

7 ADVOCACY AT EU LEVEL – KEY ELEMENTS To broader debate on integration and inclusion in education Shift from deficit to potential discourse Building coalitions and amplifying voices of affected communities OSI as a facilitator, ‘enabler’, networker

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