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Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture Text: I Thess. 4:13-5:4

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1 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture Text: I Thess. 4:13-5:4
By Nathan L Morrison All Scripture given is from NASB unless otherwise stated Some points taken from a lesson by Richard Thetford and the BTB Workbook ‘Then Comes The End’ by Mike Willis

2 Are we waiting for the rapture?
Intro “The Rapture” is part of the Premillennialist doctrine taught by many religious groups Occasionally, such false doctrines gain mass media attention, such as “the rapture” (Not found in Scriptures) Many times throughout history people have set dates for the end of the world and occasionally gained notoriety, but all have failed, and often, left disappointment (1844) Most recently in May & Oct., 2011 from a man named Harold Camping False Teacher (Prophet) – Deut. 18:22! Harold Camping in May & October 2011: Family Radio Worldwide spent $100million on advertising for the May 21st date of the Rapture! On Mon May 23rd, 2011: Harold Camping stated May 21st was a “spiritual” judgment, and the physical one would be Oct. 21st. Are we waiting for the rapture? Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

3 Defining Premillennialism
“Rapture”: Latin rapere in the Latin Vulgate for the Greek word harpazō [har-pad'-zo] (G726: “To snatch, or catch away”) in I Thess. 4:17, which is rendered by the phrase “caught up” in most English Translations. Chart from ‘Then Comes The End,’ Lesson 15, page 68 Rapture definition comes from: & The Believer’s Bible Commentary on I Thess. 4:17 What do the Scriptures say in regards to the rapture (and Premillennialism)? Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

4 The Rapture Doctrine Contradicts Scripture
Two Resurrections ? Scriptures Say One Resurrection Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; 11:24; 12:48; Acts 24:15 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

5 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
The Scriptures Say: One Resurrection of both righteous & wicked Jn. 5:28-29 (Jn. 6:39-40; 11:24; 12:48) 28. "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, 29. and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment. Acts 24:15 15. having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

6 The Rapture Doctrine Contradicts Scripture
Two Resurrections ? Multiple Comings Scriptures Say One Resurrection Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; 11:24; 12:48; Acts 24:15 One Coming I Thess. 4:16; II Thess. 1:6-10 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

7 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
The Scriptures Say: One 2nd Coming of Christ – Jn. 5:28-29 I Thess. 4:16 16. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. II Thess. 1:6-10 6. For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7. and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, 8. dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10. when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed--for our testimony to you was believed. Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

8 The Rapture Doctrine Contradicts Scripture
Two Resurrections ? Multiple Comings Quiet Coming of Christ Scriptures Say One Resurrection Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; 11:24; 12:48; Acts 24:15 One Coming I Thess. 4:16; II Thess. 1:6-10 Loud, Noisy Event I Thess. 4:16; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 1:7 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

9 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
The Scriptures Say: 2nd Coming of Christ will be a loud, noisy event! I Thess. 4:16 (Rev. 1:7: “Every eye will see”) 16. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. II Pet. 3:10 (NKJV) 10. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

10 The Rapture Doctrine Contradicts Scripture
Two Resurrections ? Multiple Comings Quiet Coming of Christ 1,000 Years Reign Scriptures Say One Resurrection Jn. 5:28-29; 6:39-40; 11:24; 12:48; Acts 24:15 One Coming I Thess. 4:16; II Thess. 1:6-10 Loud, Noisy Event Mt. 24:26-27; I Thess. 4:16; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 1:7 Christ Won’t Step On Earth I Thess. 4:16-17 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

11 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
The Scriptures Say: Christ won’t step foot on earth! I Thess. 4:16-17 16. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

12 The Rapture Doctrine Contradicts Scripture
The doctrine indirectly teaches these consequences: Christ failed and now must make a physical kingdom – Jn. 18:37 Dethrones Christ – Mt. 28:18; I Tim. 6:15 (If not King now, what is He?) Convicts the apostles of falsehood – Acts 2:30-33; I Tim. 6:15 (Said He was King; “King of kings!”) Removes Christ’s priesthood – Heb. 4:14-16; 7:17 (Jesus is to be Priest on His throne; if His throne not yet established, neither is His priesthood!) Denies “the last days” began on Day of Pentecost – Acts 2:16-21 The Premillennial doctrine of the rapture contradicts God’s word and gives false hopes! Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

13 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
Christ’s 2nd Coming The central text used to support the rapture (they use several) is I Thess. 4:13-18: Premillennialists teach that both the righteous dead and living will be removed from this earth at a secret, quiet coming of Jesus. They teach two comings of Jesus separated by seven years. The central text used to refute the rapture doctrine is I Thess. 4:13-18: The text says Christ will return with a “shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet of God!” (I Thess. 4:16) There is no distinction made of time, but speaks of one return! Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

14 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
Christ’s 2nd Coming I Thess. 4:13-5:4 speaks of Christ’s 2nd Coming (Acts 1:11) and shows: I Thess. 5:2: The day of Christ will come like a “thief in the night” (Mt. 24:43-44; II Pet. 3:10). I Thess. 4:16: Christ’s 2nd Coming will be seen and heard by all, the righteous and the wicked alike – II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 1:7 (Not quiet, can’t be missed!) I Thess. 4:16-17; 5:3: On the day of Christ both the righteous and the wicked will be raised (Jn. 5:28-29). I Thess. 4:13-18; II Thess. 1:7-9: When Jesus comes to give His saints eternal rest, He will punish the wicked eternally (Mt. 25:34, 41, 46). I Thess. 4:16-17: At the raising of the dead Judgment will begin for both the righteous and the wicked – Mt. 16:27; 25:31-46; II Tim. 4:1; Heb. 9:27 I Thess. 4:17: “We shall always be with the Lord” cannot be reduced to 7 years, then for 1,000 years, then for eternity! It means for eternity! Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

15 Christ’s 2nd Coming The Scriptures are clear on what will happen on “the last day” and are also clear that man will “not know the hour” of Christ’s return! Mt. 24:36, 43-44; I Thess. 5:2; II Pet. 3:10 God knows when Christ will return, & when He returns He will bring Judgment with Him! (Heb. 9:27; II Cor. 5:10) Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

16 Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture
Conclusion Premillennialism and the rapture part of it are a delusion and false teaching! One cannot prove their theories nor find their terminology in God’s word! II Jn. 9-11 9. Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. 10. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; 11. for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds. Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

17 Conclusion If the hope of the rapture is so prominent in the present
Premillennial teaching, and if we are truly waiting for the rapture, why is it not frequently taught by the N.T. writers? Why? Because it is false and a deceit of man! We can understand what will truly happen and not be deceived and “carried away” (Eph. 4:14; II Pet. 3:17). We have no need to be confused or misguided, when the Scriptures are very clear as to what will happen when Christ returns for the 2nd time! (II Tim. 2:24-26: Correct with gentleness!) Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

18 Conclusion We do not wait for the rapture, but wait for the return of
Christ, to be “caught up” in the clouds and meet Him in the air to “always be with the Lord!” (I Thess. 4:16-17) It is this event we are to comfort one another with! (I Thess. 4:18) Let us not be deceived with a dream of a secret “rapture,” but focus our eyes on the “one hope” of His glorious return with “His mighty angels in flaming fire!” (II Thess. 1:7) Premillennialism Pt. 1: Rupturing The Rapture

19 “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”
Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:35; Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16) Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10) For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)

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