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Office of Digital Learning Professional Development August 19, 2015 Created by Nicole Cathirell.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Digital Learning Professional Development August 19, 2015 Created by Nicole Cathirell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Digital Learning Professional Development August 19, 2015 Created by Nicole Cathirell

2  Quickwrite: (3min.)  What do you know about AVID?  How has AVID supported your school and its students?  Pair share (1min)  Share Whole Group (1min)

3  W-Writing  I-Inquiry  C-Collaboration  O-Organization  R-Reading

4  Using poster paper, group members will silently write or draw ways the LMC and/or Media Specialist can support each pillar of WICOR.  Members can comment on an idea that’s posted or write a new idea!  Groups will rotate when the music stops playing. Take your marker with you to the next poster.

5  Incorporate Quickwrites into your LMC lessons.  Post the Writing Process in your LMC.  Offer to review/edit college admissions essays.  Provide resources on tips for becoming a better writer.  Teach a writers workshop during lunch or after school.

6  Maker Spaces (lunch, afterschool, or club?)  Socratic Seminar ( lunches/club)  Costa’s Level of Questioning Word Wall  SAT word wall

7  Maker Spaces  AVID Tutorial ◦ Host tutorials in your LMC; have tables set up with white boards. Have tutorial supplies ready such as tutorial request forms, calculators, textbooks, and the tutorial method poster.

8  AVID essentials space such as Cornell Note sheets, TRFs, Learning Logs, Socratic Seminar Articles, or any documenst/supplies that are pertininet to your school’s AVID program.  Binder Check Station (Binder ER) ◦ This space may have hole punchers, paper reinforcers, dividers, pencil sharpeners.

9  Post suggested book readings for…  Literary experience  SAT/ACT practice  Study tips  Organization tips  Test-taking tips


11  Hang up college pennants in your library…as many as you can get!  Display college pamphlets or brochures.  Post deadlines for SAT, FAFSA, FASTWeb  College Speed Dating Lesson plan (forthcoming)

12 Under: College readiness products $15.99

13  Mentoring a struggling AVID student.  Co-teaching with an AVID Elective teacher.  Joining the AVID Site Team.

14  1. Write yourself a pick me up note, reminding you how energized you feel about implementing AVID in your LMC. Remind yourself what it is you wanted to implement and how is it going?  2. Place your letter in the envelop and put your First and Last Name on it and your school name.  Mrs. Cathirell will mail them to you

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