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Research Student Internships Dr Richy Hetherington.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Student Internships Dr Richy Hetherington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Student Internships Dr Richy Hetherington

2 Why Internships?  Research Students Develop Many Skills

3 Many Benefits The Interns Gain experience Broaden skills context Inform their research The University Build links Display products’ quality Improve student experience The Organisation Get fresh Ideas Help with a project View potential recruits

4 BBSRC PIPS – Professional Internships for PhD Students  BBSRC MRes/PhD students are required to engage in a 3 month internship in work unrelated to their research  “BBSRC would welcome research institutions extending the scheme to other PhD students”  For all other MRes/PhD we are relaxed on subject and timing 5 weeks is enough

5 MRes/PhD Internship Scheme The MRes/PhD Internship  A five week internship in August and September (or another time by arrangement)  Available for all MRes/PhD students  Express your interest in an internship   Limited expenses for travel and relocation are available 

6 Who with? Feel free to make your own approach or we can try to help you find one e.g.  Companies e.g. Demuris, ORLA Proteins, Leica Microsystems  Policy makers e.g. Newcastle Council or Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  Educators e.g. Local Schools, FE Colleges, Centre for Life, Libraries or Museums  Charities or Not for Profit organisations e.g. Arthritis UK or The Children's Foundation

7 What about my research project Internships can been timed to have minimal impact on your research work Internships can be taken any time after MRes project submission A two week holiday period will still be available during the summer if you take an internship You will require your Supervisors agreement to take up an internship

8 Previous MRes Internships FunderOrganisationStudent feedback BBSRCDemuris "I am very glad I took the opportunity to do this internship" MRCNHS “Seeing the clinical side of science was a good experience” FMSDemuris "I learnt a lot of things that could be CV beneficial" Wellcome Trust Genentech "Working in industry was fantastic, highly stimulating and I learned loads including valuable protocols for my PhD" Rank Foundation/ FMS Leica Microsystems “I learnt a lot about industry and now have a great addition to my CV. Leica gave me a lot of training in manufacturing practice and value stream mapping which I think will be very useful”

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