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Life and Work at the LSHTM SECURITY Tuesday 30 th September Improving health

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Presentation on theme: "Life and Work at the LSHTM SECURITY Tuesday 30 th September Improving health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life and Work at the LSHTM SECURITY Tuesday 30 th September Improving health

2 School opening hours Keppel StreetTavistock Place8 Bedford Square9 Bedford Square36 Gordon Sq Monday-Friday08.00 - 20.00 Saturday08.00 - 14.00Closed all day SundayClosed all day Out of hours access with ID pass At any time The normal building opening hours, during which the School is open to all staff, students and visitors are:

3 After Hours Procedure For entry to the School out of hours, the signing- in procedure must be followed. NO-ONE is permitted into the building outside of the above hours without showing an ID Pass and signing the book held at Keppel Street reception. Please be aware that the School operates a shutdown of the following buildings : – 8 and 9 Bedford Square, – 36 Gordon Square

4 Cycling at LSHTM Cycle parking is available within the designated area in the "Gower Street moat You will need to get your ID Card access level changed to allow access through the back gate. Access via the back gate is only when you have your bike with you and through the wicket gate. The moat doors are closed at 1900 hrs each night from Monday to Friday. Out of hours access is through the main door at Keppel Street. Never cycle through the courtyard. This facility is for short term parking only (ie for the day, not for weeks) Periodically, Estates will remove bikes that appear to be "abandoned"

5 Your ID Pass Staff and students are required to wear their School identification card at all times whilst in School buildings. Staff and students are required to show pass on entry to the building on each occasion. Its against School policy to share your pass. If you have any problems with your ID card, please go to Keppel street reception and staff with be able to assist.

6 Lost or Stolen Card Replacement ID pass can be obtained from Reception at Keppel Street from 10.00 to 16.00, Monday to Friday. Please bring along a signed form from Registry to confirm that you are a student studying at the School. A charge of £10 is made for replacement ID passes.

7 Incident Report Police should be notified about any serious incidents using emergency number 999, or non urgent incidents on 101 Please report above incidents to LSHTM security guard ( ) or to

8 Smoking You are not allowed to smoke in LSHTM. If you have to you can go outside the School and smoke on the other side of the road. Be aware that steps to the School as well as ramp still belongs to the School and smoking is not permitted there.

9 Stay Safe Never leave your belongings unattended, take them with you to your classroom / office. Be very careful in all areas of the School with items such as laptops and mobile phones. This includes the Library and Refectory where you should never leave your personnel belongings unattended.

10 How to contact Security There is a guard on duty 24/7 at Keppel street and Tavistock place All Security Supervisors are First Aid trained By Email : By Phone : ex. 2200 LSHTM Emergency Line: 555

11 Thank You Michael Swierczek Ex. 8327 Improving health

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