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HST Region High Speed Trains and Regional Development ”HST Region” Updated PP-Presentation October/December2008.

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Presentation on theme: "HST Region High Speed Trains and Regional Development ”HST Region” Updated PP-Presentation October/December2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 HST Region High Speed Trains and Regional Development ”HST Region” Updated PP-Presentation October/December2008

2 HST Region Background In the light of the climate change, continuous traffic growth and global competitiveness, one of the biggest challenges the European Union faces is to provide the citizens with sustainable and competitive alternative to road and air traffic, both in central and peripheral areas of Europe.

3 HST Region EU policy context Gothenburg Agenda / Renewed Sustainable development strategy Energy & Climate Change package 2006 mid-term review of EU White Paper on transport 2nd and 3rd rail packages EC Communication on ”Greening of transport”

4 HST Region High Speed Train – A challenge for the regions The regions the HST is passing through may experience a “tunnel” effect, i.e. not benefiting from the services of the HST What are the necessary actions the regional and local entities have to take in order to secure the full benefit of HST investments.

5 HST Region Planning framework and impact analysis The planning and assessments of infrastructure may be complicated by different impact assessments (EIAs, CBAs etc) in different countries The same HST link may be calculated socio-economically favourable in one country, but not so in the other country The positive effects on regional development are not properly covered in most socio-economic analyses There is a need for harmonisation of planning framework and impact analysis methods for major infrastructure projects like HST

6 HST Region Vision HST as a means of connecting regions in an environmental and competitive manner, so that businesses develop and jobs are created at regional level, and at the same time contributing to reduced emission of green house gases

7 HST Region Objectives Overall objective: Alt 1: Promote sustainable transport by exchanging experience, sharing and transferring good practice on the development of High Speed Train (HST) networks and hubs Alt 2: Improve the effectiveness of sustainable transport policies by exchanging experience, sharing and transferring good practice on the development of High Speed Train (HST) networks and hubs

8 HST Region Objectives Sub-objectives:  Demonstrate the sustainability potential of HST links/network for the reduction of CO2/GHG emissions, road accidents and the expansion of labour markets  Facilitate the realisation of HST sustainability potentials by exchanging experience, sharing and transfering good practice on HST planning frameworks and impact assessment methods, and integratration of HST with secondary public transport systems To develop harmonized planning frameworks and impact assessment methods for HST links across borders

9 HST Region Sub-objectives cont. To test pilots /alternative concepts for HST hubs and route networks Improve the capacity of regional authorities to benefit the maximum from HST links going to or through their territory Provide recommendations for the implementation of relevant EU-, national and regional policies

10 HST Region Results Demonstration of HST sustainability potential on emissions, accidents and regional enlargement Improved capacity of regional stakeholders to realise sustainability potential from HST links going to or through their territory Successful transfer of good practice on how regions may benefit more/the maximum from HST links (running to or through their territorries Improvement of relevant policies for successful development of HST networks Transnationally harmonized planning frameworks and assessment methods for HST networks applicable on the European level

11 HST Region Component Structure (replace A – D by 1 – 4 according to the pre-defined component structure of the IVC Programme)

12 HST Region Component 1: Management and Coordination C 1: Management and Coordination, will be the main instrument for the Lead Partner to manage the project and coordinate the work. The various components will to some extent get input from other components as well as feeding information into other components. Envisaged results of C 1: A well running and coordinated project

13 HST Region Component 2: Communication and Dissemination Communication and dissemination is structured as a separate component in order to give this work a high priority with defined budget and separate responsible staff. A communication plan for the whole project period will be developed. The project will cooperate with other similar projects and programmes in order to seek synergy effects. Envisaged results of C 2: A two-way communication within the project as well as with other projects, EU bodies etc. that provides enhanced exchange of experiences and good practices.

14 HST Region Component 3: Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices This component will review existing HST links and existing hubs at HST stations and system for public transport C 3 will assess the applicability of concepts and solutions for the various partner regions and between regions Concrete cases will be studied to extract experiences and good practices, including operational concepts for the various cases. One important objective will be to compare planning framework and methods for impact assessments in different countries, and contribute to a harmonisation of such frameworks and methods for cross border projects. Envisaged results of C 3: Successful transfer of good practices on how regions may benefit the maximum from HST links, and contribute to harmonised planning framework and impact assessment methods

15 HST Region Component 4: Joint Development of New Instruments If the regions the HST goes to and goes through should fully benefit from the HST, other actions are to be implemented. A number of concerted actions related to land use planning and public transport as well as real estate development in hubs are needed. Follow-up the demonstration projects as well as extracting learning from their work and results. Make an overview of funding instruments and assist in preparing implementation plans and funding applications. Envisaged results of C 4: Workable concept plans for hubs at HST stations, related to real situations in the partner regions and Initiated concrete demonstration projects as “Fast Track Projects” for EU funding. Improved EU/national/regional policies of relevance for HST links and hubs

16 HST Region Possible partners Rogaland County Council, Lead Partner, Norway Vest-Agder/Aust-Agder County Councils, Norway Hordaland County Council, Norway South East England Development Agency ASEAL, Spain GEORAMA, Greece Consorcics ADEuropa, Spain Who is next?

17 HST Region Time Schedule Partner search at the Interreg IV conference in Lille, 27 – 29 October 2008 Preparation of Draft Project Document and Project Application, November 2008 Partner meeting, December 2008 Revision of project Document and Project Application, primo January 2009 Acceptance by partners (Partner meeting if necessary, mid January) Submission of application within 30 January 2009

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