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Contributions if Interferometry for Orion M. Robberto (ESA/STScI)

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Presentation on theme: "Contributions if Interferometry for Orion M. Robberto (ESA/STScI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contributions if Interferometry for Orion M. Robberto (ESA/STScI)

2 The Great Orion Nebula

3 The Orion Cluster 2mass near-IR image The Orion Cluster

4 Why Orion is important? Is the nearest GMC and the most recent episode of massive star formation Distance is fairly well known (~450pc) Background contamination is low Is the paradigm for typical star formation Is the paradigm for typical planet formation?

5 The HST mosaic HST; Ha+[OIII]+[SII] (courtesy Bob O’Dell)

6 HST; F547M (courtesy Bob O’Dell)

7 VLT JHK composite

8 3.5 micron image Lada et al., 2000

9 10 micron image

10 BN-KL Ney-Allen OMC1-S

11 174 point N-micron point sources


13 Photoionized proplyds at 10  m HST optical FOV: 8.6" x 8.6" MAX 10  m Single chop spacing MAX 10  m Sky subtracted Ionized Disk 170-337 (HST2)

14 Understanding the IR emission of photoevaporated disks Disks in HII regions are under the influence of a complex radiation field Disks in HII regions are under the influence of a complex radiation field HST data constrain the model parameters (tilt angle with respect to the ionizing star and to the Earth, distance from the ionizing star, disk size…) HST data constrain the model parameters (tilt angle with respect to the ionizing star and to the Earth, distance from the ionizing star, disk size…) Robberto, Beckwith and Panagia, Ap.J, 2002 (in press)

15  S  2.2  m3.5  m10  m Robberto, Beckwith and Herbst, 2000 MID-IR imaging > photometry > SEDs vs. disk models

16 BN/KL

17 IRC2 MAX N-band Dougados et al. 1993 ApJ 406,111

18 OMC1-South

19 Search for the OMC1-South exciting source

20 Ney-Allen nebula MAX 10/20  m HST/WFPC2 F547M MAX 10  m

21  1 Ori-C and SC3 F336W – PC 1s

22  1 Ori-C and SC3 F336W – PC 30s

23  1 Ori-C and SC3 F439W – PC 1s

24  1 Ori-C and SC3 F439W – PC 30s

25  1 Ori-B is extended/binary F457M – PC 30s

26 Modeling the arcs

27  1 Ori-D anomaly

28 Is Ney Allen Nebula associated to  1 Ori-D?

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