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Soil Science One A Post Lab Discussion. What is pore space?

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Science One A Post Lab Discussion. What is pore space?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Science One A Post Lab Discussion

2 What is pore space?

3 "Soil porosity" refers to the amount of pore, or open space between soil particles. Pore spaces may be formed due to the movement of roots, worms, and insects; expanding gases trapped within these spaces by groundwater; and/or the dissolution of the soil parent material. Soil texture can also affect soil porosity.

4 Pore Space (Question Three)—Why Important?

5 Pore Space in Soil Importance Soil porosity concerns the oxygen found within these pore spaces. All plants need oxygen for respiration.

6 How will water affect the seeds of the autotrophic organisms within the soil?

7 Why are mitochondria important to worms and snails?

8 Fungi can reproduce both sexually and sexually. Why is this helpful?

9 In what way are we all genetically “predisposed?”

10 Separate Soil Components—Density!

11 Layers

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