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Review Part 18 The Environment & Energy. 1) All the following are special interest environmental groups EXCEPT a. Audubon Society b. National Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Part 18 The Environment & Energy. 1) All the following are special interest environmental groups EXCEPT a. Audubon Society b. National Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Part 18 The Environment & Energy

2 1) All the following are special interest environmental groups EXCEPT a. Audubon Society b. National Association of Manufactures c. Greenpeace d. Sierra Club e. Wilderness Society

3 1) All the following are special interest environmental groups EXCEPT a. Audubon Society b. National Association of Manufactures c. Greenpeace d. Sierra Club e. Wilderness Society

4 2) The main purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act was to a. Require government agencies to issue environmental impact statements if their policies would have a negative impact on the environment b. Require the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor clean air standards c. Establish clean water standards d. Establish a superfund to clean up environmental abuses e. Require the Department of the Interior to establish criteria for ocean dumping

5 2) The main purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act was to a. Require government agencies to issue environmental impact statements if their policies would have a negative impact on the environment b. Require the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor clean air standards c. Establish clean water standards d. Establish a superfund to clean up environmental abuses e. Require the Department of the Interior to establish criteria for ocean dumping

6 Explanation The act, passed in 1969, dealt strictly with the issuance of environmental impact statements of governmental policies. Choice B, although correct substantively, does not come about as a result of the act in question. Choice C takes place as a result of the Clean Water Act. Choice D occurs as a result of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, and Choice E is also a correct statement but has no direct relationship to the Environmental Policy Act

7 3) The superfund was originally enacted in response to which of the following events? a. The oil spill caused by the grounding of the Exxon Valdez b. The nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant c. Toxic and chemical dumping at the Love Canal d. The Nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl e. The dismantling of the Shoreham nuclear plant

8 3) The superfund was originally enacted in response to which of the following events? a. The oil spill caused by the grounding of the Exxon Valdez b. The nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant c. Toxic and chemical dumping at the Love Canal d. The Nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl e. The dismantling of the Shoreham nuclear plant

9 4) All the following choices represent features of the Clean Air Act of 1990 EXCEPT a. It established standards to protect the ozone layer b. It set overall carbon dioxide standards c. It established standards to attack the acid rain problems d. It directed factories to reduce emissions e. It directed auto manufactures to sell electric cars

10 4) All the following choices represent features of the Clean Air Act of 1990 EXCEPT a. It established standards to protect the ozone layer b. It set overall carbon dioxide standards c. It established standards to attack the acid rain problems d. It directed factories to reduce emissions e. It directed auto manufactures to sell electric cars

11 5) Which of the following choices was a major consequence of United States reliance on nonrenewable resources during Middle East tensions? a. It made the United States less dependent on the Middle East b. Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana were able to meet the demand for energy c. OPEC decided to reduce exports d. The United States decided to turn to nuclear energy as a primary energy source e. The United States’ use of hydroelectric sources increased

12 5) Which of the following choices was a major consequence of United States reliance on nonrenewable resources during Middle East tensions? a. It made the United States less dependent on the Middle East b. Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana were able to meet the demand for energy c. OPEC decided to reduce exports d. The United States decided to turn to nuclear energy as a primary energy source e. The United States’ use of hydroelectric sources increased

13 6) Which of the following was created as a result of the Energy Reorganization Act? a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission c. Department of Energy d. A superfund for energy e. The continued operation of the Tennessee Valley Authority

14 6) Which of the following was created as a result of the Energy Reorganization Act? a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission c. Department of Energy d. A superfund for energy e. The continued operation of the Tennessee Valley Authority

15 Explanation This question requires the specific knowledge of the provisions of the act. You probably can eliminate choices D and E because you should be familiar with the derivation of the TVA and you should be able to recognize that the Superfund deals with the cleanup of hazardous waste. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is responsible to the Department of Energy. The correct choice, A, was created to deal with such related issues as the Three Mile Island meltdown

16 7) Which of the following is considered the main environmental regulatory agency? a. Energy Department b. Council of Environmental Quality c. Commerce Department d. Environmental Protection Agency e. Interior Department

17 7) Which of the following is considered the main environmental regulatory agency? a. Energy Department b. Council of Environmental Quality c. Commerce Department d. Environmental Protection Agency e. Interior Department

18 8) Which of the following proposals that have an impact on the environment was made by the Republicans after they won a majority in the House of Representatives in 1994? a. The passage of anti-regulatory legislation b. The institution of increased federal funds for the environment c. The passage of a global treaty protecting the tropical rain forest d. The passage of legislation that would increase federal mandates e. The abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency

19 8) Which of the following proposals that have an impact on the environment was made by the Republicans after they won a majority in the House of Representatives in 1994? a. The passage of anti-regulatory legislation b. The institution of increased federal funds for the environment c. The passage of a global treaty protecting the tropical rain forest d. The passage of legislation that would increase federal mandates e. The abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency

20 Explanation One of the components of the Republican Contract with America was the Unfunded Mandates Bill. This act and other acts aimed to reduce the number of regulations, many of which had an impact on the environment, by the federal government on the states.

21 The End

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