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ViewersViewers FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland,

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Presentation on theme: "ViewersViewers FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ViewersViewers FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington

2 2 IntroductionsIntroductions Viewers refer to graphical figures and tabular files. All modules potentially have viewers associated with them. Right-Click Viewers: Specific to a particular module Icon-based Viewers: Drag-and-Drop icon viewers are usually linked to multiple icons. Many viewers use COTS software (e.g., Excel spreadsheets or GNU). The user has the choice of providing their own viewer, using DICtionaries.

3 3 Viewers that are most often used Time Varying “Graphical View” or “Probability of Exeedence” SCF – Soil Concentration File WCF – Water Concentration File WFF – Water Flux File ATO – Air Transport Output (concentration or deposition rates) AFF – Air Flux File (flux to air) EPF – Exposure Pathway File (concentration in “food”) RIF – Receptor Intake File (intake rate or concentration) HIF – Health Impacts File (dose, risk, hazard) Time Varying “Graphical View” – Concentration or flux, as it varies in time “Probability of Exeedence” Probability that a dependent parameter will be equaled or exceeded over the duration of interest Many times this used to investigate how prevalent the results exceed a standard. HIF Summary Views of Risk, Hazard, and Dose RAGS – Risk Assessment Guidelines for Superfund

4 4 Right-Click Viewers

5 5 Each Icon/Model has its Own, Affiliated Viewers 1.Right Click over Icon 2.Choose View/Print Module Output 3.Choose the Applicable Viewer Listing of Viewers

6 6 The results can be viewed by module Location Age (cohort) Constituent Measure (risk, dose, hazard) Unit (carcinogen, non-carcinogen) Route (ingestion, inhalation, etc.) Pathway (water, soil, air, etc.) Organ Summation of ALL in many categories Dependent and Independent Parameter Datasets Plotting Criteria Use of non zero values (Avoids statistical skew in modeling results due to zero-laden tails) Confidence Intervals (not used much) Number of points plotted in figure

7 7 Aquifer Water Concentrations WCF Graphical View 1 2

8 8 Atmospheric Dispersion Module Output

9 9 HIF Graphical View 1 2

10 10 HIF Probability of Exceedence View

11 11 Summary Views of Risk, Hazard, and Dose

12 12 Icon-based Viewers

13 13 Connect module to Viewer module Listing of Viewers

14 14 After the user chooses viewer under General Info, but data from multiple modules are required for the viewer to successfully run, the system will automatically connect additional modules when the user exits General Info for certain viewers. The “Stop Lights” go from Red to Yellow, after the viewer is run.

15 15 1.Right Click over Icon 2.Choose “Run Model” RAGS Viewer is an ICON because it links to multiple Icons and performs analyses EPA’s Risk Assessment Guidelines for Superfund (RAGS) Viewer

16 16 Threshold Cut-Off Levels Equivalent to the 5 th percentile of Exceeding a level of Risk/Hazard RAGS User Interface 1.CT and RME: EPA RAGS Choices 2.Time Varying: Modeling Simulation Results Avoids statistical skew in modeling results due to zero-laden tails

17 17 Values associated with the Central Tendency (CT) and Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME) are designated by the user; therefore, the user needs to ensure that any values used actually represent a CT or RME. RAGS User Interface

18 18 RAGS-Generated Summary Table

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